Fingerprinting web technologies:
Directory enumeration:
ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt:FUZZ -u dirb # scans recursively by default # can use other tools as well like dirbuster and gobuster
Subdomain enumeration:
# we can use resources like Google or crt.sh on web # but they give limited results subfinder -d azena.com -o azena.txt assetfinder azena.com assetfinder azena.com | grep azena.com | sort -u > azena-subdomains.txt # only print unique and required subdomains amass enum -d azena.com >> azena-subdomains.txt # after gathering all subdomains # need to check if they are up or not cat azena-subdomains.txt | grep azena.com | sort -u | httprobe -prefer-https | grep https > azena-alive.txt mkdir azenapics # screenshot automation for each page # need to remove 'https://' string from final subdomains file for gowitness to work gowitness file -f azena-alive.txt -P azenapics --no-http