A breakthrough in Intelligence with Language Applications
WINTER is an open-source personal assistant who lives in your computer.
WINTER Stands for Witty Intelligence with Natural Emotions and Rationality
He does stuff when you ask him to.
You can talk to him and he can talk to you. You can also text him and he can also text you. If you want to, WINTER can communicate with you by being offline to protect your privacy.
Moreover as his name suggests, WINTER is very smart with short, quick witted responses with a subtle pinch of human emotions embedded into him via his training.
- With WINTER you can do a lot of your daily tasks automatically making your life a bit easier.
- You to teach him new skills to expand his capabilities to help you work on great projects & products.
- Since privacy is an important factor, WINTER for most part works completely offline. To go 100% offline you can text him.
- WINTER is cool because it is AI.
- Open source is great.
WINTER is highly scalable, thus he can do a lot of tasks for you. From the basics like controlling display brightness to more advanced stuff like working together on an advanced C++ project. Basically WINTER can do anything you want.
You need to install the following on your machine.
- Python >= 3.12
1. Downloading the repository:
Start by cloning the repository with git clone --recursive https://github.com/SrijanSriv211/WINTER
If the repository was cloned non-recursively previously, use git submodule update --init --recursive
to clone the necessary submodules.
2. Setting up virtual environment:
> python -m venv .env
> .env\Scripts\activate
(.env)> pip install requirements.txt
cl stands for core language For eg, cl100k = core language 100k ∴ Text tokenizer with 100k tokens
is stands for intentions For eg, is10 = intentions with 10 classes ∴ Classification model with 10 classes
aw stands for alphabet write For eg, aw100k = alphabet write 100k parameters ∴ Generative model with 100k parameters
ae stands for auto encoder For eg, ae100k = auto encoder 100k parameters ∴ Auto encoder-decoder model with 100k parameters
For example:
is a text generation model with 100k parameters trained on 100k tokenscl1kis10
is a text classification model with 10 classes trained on 1k tokens
3. Train encoder:
from src.models.encoder import Encoder
enc = Encoder()
enc.train("dataset.txt", 8279, batch_size=100, drop_bounds_after=4279, is_file=True)
enc.register_special_tokens({"<|pad|>": 8279, "<|sot|>": 8280, "<|eot|>": 8281})
4. Train WINTER:
First create a json
file in scripts folder called config.json
with the following format
"GPT": {
"load_from_file": false,
"train_data": "data\\GATw\\train",
"val_data": "data\\GATw\\val",
"init_from": "pretrained,bin\\GATw.bin",
// "init_from": "scratch",
"checkpoints": {
"path": "bin\\ck",
"name": "GATw",
"interval": 200
"save_path": "bin\\GATw.bin",
"max_iters": 2000,
"eval_interval": 200,
"log_interval": 10,
"eval_iters": 1000,
"gradient_accumulation_steps": 8,
"batch_size": 16,
"block_size": 256,
"vocab_size": 8282,
"n_layer": 8,
"n_head": 4,
"n_embd": 512,
"dropout": 0,
"learning_rate": 1e-3,
"weight_decay": 0,
"grad_clip": 1,
"decay_lr": true,
"warmup_iters": 500,
"lr_decay_iters": 2000,
"min_lr": 1e-4,
"device": "cpu",
"seed": "auto",
"compile": true
"RNN": {
"load_from_file": true,
"train_data": "data\\clis\\train.bin",
"val_data": "data\\clis\\train.bin",
"checkpoints": null,
"save_path": "bin\\clis.bin",
"max_iters": 5000,
"eval_interval": 500,
"log_interval": 100,
"eval_iters": 100,
"batch_size": 32,
"input_size": 4282,
"output_size": 19,
"n_layer": 2,
"n_hidden": 8,
"dropout": 0.0,
"learning_rate": 1e-3,
"device": "cpu",
"seed": "auto",
"compile": true
Then tweak the values as you like. After that run the following command in the terminal
- If you want to train the GPT model
> python prepare_gpt.py
> python train_gpt.py
> python test_gpt.py
- If you want to train the RNN model
> python prepare_rnn.py
> python train_rnn.py
> python test_rnn.py