This package contains instructions for
- producing Madgraph5 based signals,
- hadronize them using Pythia8,
- simulate for ATLAS/CMS/C3/MuonCol (or other) detector's response using Delphes,
- submit jobs to Condor in UW-Madison HEP group computing environment to produce large number of events
- Sample analyzer using the resulting Delphes root file
The inputs are madgraph, pythia8 and Delphes control files for the signal root file producer are named *.txt.
export basedir=/nfs_scratch/$USER/2024-10
mkdir -p $basedir
cd $basedir
git clone
source /nfs_scratch/$USER/2024-10/Madgraph-Pythia-Delphes-Studies/
cd $datadir
python $mg5dir/bin/mg5_aMC $confdir/e+e-madgraph5-pythia-delphes-test.txt
ln -s $PWD/`find e+e-madgraph5-pythia-delphes-test -name '*.root' | head -1` e+e-madgraph5-pythia-delphes-test.root
source /nfs_scratch/$USER/2024-10/Madgraph-Pythia-Delphes-Studies/
root -l -q $rootdir/analyzer.C'("$datadir/e+e-madgraph5-pythia-delphes-test.root")'
Generating data locally - result is a delphes.root file - replace with your input file name (without .txt):
source /nfs_scratch/$USER/2024-10/Madgraph-Pythia-Delphes-Studies/
cd $datadir
python $mg5dir/bin/mg5_aMC $confdir/<mg5-input-file>.txt
ln -s $PWD/`find <mg5-input-file> -name '*.root' | head -1` <mg5-input-file>.root
Command to run Madgraph on the UW cluster:
source /nfs_scratch/$USER/2024-10/Madgraph-Pythia-Delphes-Studies/
cd $conddir \
--WorkFlow MG5Jobs \ \
--Arguments=cms-vbfh-pythia8-delphes.txt \
--nJobs=10 \
--TransferInputFile=/nfs_scratch/dasu/CentOS7/MyMG5Dir.tar.gz,cms-vbfh-pythia8-delphes.txt \
--OutputDir=/nfs_scratch/$USER \
--HDFSProdDir None \
--Experiment mucol \
--MemoryRequirements 2048
You need gcc, gfortran and root installed on your system - I used miniconda3 to get those
On your local system, you may want to skip Delphes first and check that Madgraph5 + Pythia are installed correctly. Here are just those steps after you obtain the madgraph5 file from web (
tar zxf MG5_aMC_v3.5.6.tar.gz
export mg5dir=$PWD/MG5_aMC_v3_5_6/
python $mg5dir/bin/mg5_aMC
follow up by:
install lhapdf6
install pythia8
you can then install this package:
export basedir=<a directory on your machine>
mkdir -p $basedir
git clone
you can then test your setup using:
export basedir=<your base directory on your machine>
source $basedir/Madgraph-Pythia-Delphes-Studies/
python $mg5dir/bin/mg5_aMC e+e-madgraph5-pythia-test.txt
You can then install Delphes - requires mucking with the Delphes as the first attempt will fail to install:
python $mg5dir/bin/mg5_aMC
within mg5_aMC prompt:
install Delphes
Above will likely fail to install fully presently on modern M3 based Mac computers.
You need to muck with the Delphes files - (Instructions to come to get that to work soon)
You can then run the full chain locally on your Mac using the same steps as on login machines:
Generating data locally - result is a delphes.root file - replace with your input file name (without .txt):
export basedir=<your base directory on your machine>
source $basedir/Madgraph-Pythia-Delphes-Studies/
cd $datadir
python $mg5dir/bin/mg5_aMC $confdir/<mg5-input-file>.txt
ln -s $PWD/`find <mg5-input-file> -name '*.root' | head -1` <mg5-input-file>.root