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Repository files navigation

Always work in progress

To install neovim (0.10) and requirements: Note: you need atleast one c complier (zig, gcc, clang, cc) to properly install treesitter grammers.

  • Windows (powershell)
winget install neovim fzf fd git;
  • Arch-linux (bash/zsh)
pacman -S neovim fzf fd git gcc;

or use package-manager of your linux distro.

Clone this repo and make backup if already exist Windows:

mv ~/AppData/local/nvim ~/nvim_backup
git clone ~/AppData/local/nvim


mv ~/.config/nvim ~/nvim_backup
git clone ~/.config/nvim

Now run nvim. It will attempt to clone all the plugin repositories.

Keymaps for My Config


  • hjkl for basic char movement and alt + h or alt + jkl for moving line/selection.

  • H and L for jumping to start and end of line. M for middle of the lineand similarly other layers for multicursor, cloning, treesitter jump to next/prev, child/parent node.

  • alt + d for cutting d for deleting. similarly, c and alt + c.

  • , and < for syncing vim and clipboard register

  • To paste from clipboard, press < and then [p]aste.

  • To copy to clipboard, first cop[y] the thing then press >

  • fzf-lua binds are mostly f? g? l?

  • Space + ff fuzzy find files in cwd

  • Space + fw ripgrep the files in cwd (search for word)

  • Space + gc git commits to checkout

  • Space + ld lsp definition of the symbol under the cursor

Layers of h j k l

I heavily used the hjkl movement keybinds for many things. Below is the explanation

     k         up
   h   l  left    right
     j        down
Mode Layer Description Plugin
normal/visual None Character-wise-move builtin
normal/visual H/L Non-whitespace-start/end of line keybinding
normal/visual J/K Default Join and Keywordprg builtin
normal/visual alt Move line mini.move
visual Space + alt Move selection(new line) keybinding
normal/visual Shift + alt Clone line/selection keybinding
normal/visual Space + shift + alt Clone selection(new line) keybinding
normal/visual ctrl Treesitter movement treewalker.nvim
normal/visual ctrl + alt Add multiple cursor multicursor.nvim
insert/command alt Character-wise-move keybinding

Since, alt h and alt l is basically indentation but more, < and > are free to map.

Register Problem Solution

I used to use system clipboard as the default copy register. But it makes the system clipboard all messy and filled with random lines and code snippets. So to solve it, I am using two bindings that syncs the vim default register (") and system clipboard register (+) I have those mappings

map({"n", "x"}, "<", function() vim.fn.setreg('"', vim.fn.getreg('+')) end, {desc = 'clipboard to vim reg'})
map({"n", "x"}, ">", function() vim.fn.setreg('+', vim.fn.getreg('"')) end, {desc = 'vim reg to clipboard'})

"<" : clipboard to vim register ">" : vim register to clipboard vim <-> clipboard

  • I also didnt like how vim always replaced the content of the default register when:
    • char deleting [x]
    • [d]eleting
    • [c]hanging
    • [p]asting on visual mode
  • I use '_' black-hole register for them.
  • to get default behaviour of placing the content in default register:
    • press for cutting. Similarly, for putting the content of operation on the register.
  • Tab / Shift-Tab for switching buffer tabs
  • Alt+w for closing current
  • Alt+W for restoring current
  • ;wh to close all in left
  • ;wl to close all in right
  • ;wec to close all except current


  • Edit the file system.
  • "-" for opening it in buffer directory.
  • "Space+Space" for opening it in pwd.
  • "Alt + hjkl " for moving forward backward up down etc.
  • Alt + z for toggling the tree-view
  • Alt + e for toggling the yazi floating window.
  • "," for jumping/pinning files.
  • "m" for jumping/pinning lines.


keystroke description keystroke description
space+fa [a]rgs space+fo [o]ldfiles
space+fb [b]uffers space+fp [p]lugins (local)
space+fc [c]ommit (current-buffer) space+fq [q]uickfix
space+fd [d]irectory zoxide space+fQ [Q]uickfix Stack
space+ff [f]iles space+fr [r]egisters
space+fh [h]elp tag, space+ft [t]reesitter
space+fk [k]eymaps space+fT [T]reesitter jump (Custom)
space+fl [l]ine space+fw [w]ord
space+fM [M]anpages space+f? [?]builtin fzf-options
space+fm [m]arks, space+f+Ctrl+o [Ctrl+o] jumplist
space+fn [n]otes space+f: [:] commands history
space+f/ [/] search history, space+fz= [z=] for spell suggest


keystroke description keystroke description
space+gb git [b]ranches space+gt git [t]ags
space+gc git [c]ommits (repo wide) space+gS git [S]tash
space+gs git [s]tatus


keystroke description keystroke description
space+lc [c]alls incoming space+lf [f]inder
space+lC [C]alls outgoing space+li [i]mplementations
space+lD [d]eclaration space+lr [r]eferences
space+ld [d]efdinition space+lt [t]ypedefs
space+le docum[e]nt diagonistics (buffer) space+lx workspace diagonisti[x]s (project)

Bash things

Filter/generate csv using bash

  • in visual mode: select a CSV like a, c, b, d then Alt+o. pass sort as filter program.
  • in insert mode: generates CSV with shuf -r 20, seq 30 like commands

Bash filter

  • Space + rs for running current line as shell command
  • try writing and in normal mode press space+rs

Translate using trans-cli

  • tr to translate current line
  • td to use dictionary
  • rt to translate current line and paste below.


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