A customizable image generator for making piratebox images.
The following repositories are used when setting up the environment: https://github.com/PirateBox-Dev/openwrt-image-build/tree/LEDE_adjustments - MAKEFILE AND PROFILES(Slightly modified) https://github.com/PirateBox-Dev/openwrt-piratebox-feed - Piratebox Feeds https://git.lede-project.org/source.git - LEDE source
Execute script ./install-lede-dev-env.sh.
Execute script ./image-generator.sh to start the image-generation process
All LEDE-supported piratebox devices using the AR71xx architecture
Added Support For Snapshot builds including: TL-WR902AC
To make a piratebox image for TL-902AC router execute the commands : cd lede make imagebuilder make WR902AC
Download the piratebox.zip and extract it into your USB
Plug the USB into the router and go to the router's config panel (usually can be found at http://tplinkwifi.net)
Go to the advanced settings, firmware upgrade. Upload the factory image found in the lede/target__ar71xx directory. Wait for the install, should take around 20-30 mins.