For your convenience, CampusCoin provides a shell script to help install your CampusCoin Masternode on a Linux server running Ubuntu 16.04. It should be noted that your masternode will not contain overly sensitive information. Because of this, the use of 'root' is commonplace, and the masternode is easily replaced, refreshed, or updated. Should you choose to separately store sensitive or confidential information on your masternode, please consider use of SSH keys, hardening scripts, and/or monitoring services. Our focus here is on the CampusCoin Masternode, however a base hardening script and several commands are referenced for your security considerations.
*CampusCoin provides no guarantees to the suitability or fitness of such code. Use at your own discretion and at your own risk.
Please see the following table that outlines the three CampusCoin Masternode Tiers. Before getting underway, it helps if you decide which tier level that you want to operate.
TIER I | 500,000 CC |
TIER II | 1,000,000 CC |
TIER III | 2,000,000 CC |
Nearly any Virtual Server Provider (VPS) may be used. Look for reputable companies that have been around for some time. Some of these companies will advertise their uptime. Higher uptime generally means higher costs. Commonly used is Digital Ocean - or Vultr - You will need only a basic VPS, and the $5.00/month options at each - for our purposes - should be sufficient. When last checked, machines at that price range offered the following specifications:
1 GB Memory 1 vCPU 25GB SSD 1 TB Transfer per month
- Login as root
- Run the following commands
*This step is optional, and highly recommended by our longtime supporter BKCrypto1 to secure your VPS. CampusCoin does not control the following script. However, excellent results have been experienced by CampusCoin Masternode Operators. We have personally used this script with success, and find value presenting here.
As BKCrypto1 points out through his page, | AKcryptoGUY's team developed this robust VPS Hardening script.
git clone && cd vps-harden && bash
VPS-Harden will guide you through a series of steps to better secure your VPS. If you choose to run it, please complete to its entirety.
# | Description | How Applied |
1. | OS Updates | Automatic |
2. | System Upgrades | Automatic |
3. | Favored Packages | Automatic |
4. | Crypto Packages | Automatic |
5. | Create Non-Root User | User Prompt Y/N |
6. | SSH Config | User Prompt & Choose Port# |
7. | Pass Auth | User Prompt Y/N |
8. | Firewall Config | User Prompt Y/N |
9. | Hardening | User Prompt Y/N |
10. | Ksplice Uptrack | User Prompt Y/N |
11. | Enhance MOTD | User Prompt Y/N |
12. | Restart SSH | User Prompt Y/N |
Once the script completes, please reconnect to your VPS to continue on to the CampusCoin Masternode Installation.
wget && bash
CC_MN_Install will guide you through the installation of your New CampusCoin Masternode Service.
- Installation of Dependencies
- (Optional) Masternode Private Key - If you have one generated, you can place one here. If you do not have one, press enter. A new key will be generated.
- Download the latest CampusCoin Blockchain Snapshot
- CampusCoin Masternode Server Startup
Complete. You will be provided with a bunch of masternode information. Save this information for the next step.
wget && bash
REMINDER: If you used this script in the past, the bash script may need to be removed before you can run it again.
rm -rf
After your New CampusCoin Masternode is up and running, please configure your desktop wallet accordingly.
- Open your CampusCoin (CC) Coin Desktop Wallet.
- Go to RECEIVE and create a New Address: MN1
- Send the required CC to MN1. (Choose which tier you want.)
- Wait for at least 15 confirmations.
- Go to Tools -> "Debug console"
- Type the following command:
masternode outputs
- Go to Tools -> "Open Masternode Configuration File"
- Add the following entry:
Alias IP:port MN_PrivateKey MN_Output_txid MN_Output_index
- Alias: MN1
- IP:port: VPS_IP:PORT
- MN_PrivateKey: Masternode Private Key
- MN_Output_txid: First value from Step 6
- MN_Output_index: Second value from Step 6
- Save and close the file.
- Go to Tools -> "Open Wallet Configuration File"
- Add the following entry:
- Save and close the file.
- Close and Restart Wallet.
- Go to Masternode Tab. If this tab is not shown, please enable it from: Settings - Options - Wallet - Show Masternodes Tab
- Click Update status to see your node. If it is not shown, close the wallet and start it again. Make sure the wallet is unlocked.
- Open Debug Console and type: (you can also click the start missing button)
masternode start-missing
or if you need to start a specific MN alias:
startmasternode "alias" 0
cc-cli getinfo
cc-cli mnsync status
cc-cli masternode status
cc-cli getblockcount
cc-cli getblockchaininfo
cc-cli getconnectioncount
cc-cli masternode winners
cc-cli getpeerinfo
Also, if you want to check/start/stop CampusCoin , run one of the following commands as root:
Ubuntu 16.04:
systemctl status CampusCoin #Checks if the service is running.
systemctl start CampusCoin #Start your CampusCoin service.
systemctl stop CampusCoin #Stop your CampusCoin service.
systemctl is-enabled CampusCoin #Checks if the CampusCoin service is enabled on boot.
Other Potentially Useful Commands:
cc-cli getnetworkhashps | awk '{print $1/1000000000}' #Get Network hash Per Second in GH/s
last -25 -i #Show last 25 successful server logons
egrep "Failed|Failure|invalid" /var/log/auth.log #Show server logon attempts
If you need any assistance, feel free to ask over at our Discord or Telegram channel.
CampusCoin exists because of you, the members of our CampusCoin Community. We cannot function without your ongoing support. We encourage you to participate in our social media, and to tell others of your experience and help our CampusCoin Family to grow. We need your support, and any way you can volunteer will help us to succeed. If you would like to donate to help grow our project, anything you contribute goes right back into building the project.
CampusCoin Project also thanks BKCrypto1 for his ongoing technical contributions, through which we are all grateful.
CampusCoin Project
Type | Donation Address |
CC | Cawn4BSvSuPFHk3wo43Nm85CG8TW1Y2s1H |
BTC | 16QejfnTNUBhE2JRVmTMCRpi8j2kyqQu22 |