Table of Contents (click to expand)
WestgateXL is a custom Minecraft launcher written from the ground up in electron/react. Its main goal is to make it easy and enjoyable to manage different Minecraft versions and servers, bringing the playing and modding experience to the next level!
Below you will find anything you need to know about the launcher. If you want to download a stable release you can do it from our official website:, if you want the latest testing features you can clone the repo and compile it yourself.
To download the latest version, you can either click here and select the appropriate version for your operating system or visit our website.
- Java Autorunner. (You don't need to have java installed, a suitable version will be downloaded automatically)
- Log console. Always know what's happening
- It's as easy as pie to install either the vanilla game and to install forge. No further action from the user is required.
- It goes without saying that it has a built-in autoupdater, so you will never need to download a new version manually.
- Vanilla, Forge and Curse modpacks download and autoupdater
- Built-in manager for Minecraft servers
- Cloud sync of game saves. With this you will never lose your saves again!
You can also:
- Import and export modpacks from and to other launchers
- Drag and drop instances wherever you like them, just like in your desktop
- Keep track of the time you played each instance
- Add instances to the download queue, they will automatically download one after the other
- Manage your minecraft skin directly from the launcher
- Directly connect to a server from the launcher using quick launch
Keep in mind that not all of these features are yet part of the launcher. We are constantly updating the code adding new features. Feel free to help us :)
These are the steps to compile it yourself.
You need the following softwares installed:
- Nodejs (> 8)
- yarn
Install the dependencies and devDependencies.
$ cd WestgateXLauncher
$ yarn
Start the development environment
$ yarn dev
For production environment...
$ yarn start
To package apps for the MACOS platform:
$ yarn package
To package apps for the WinOS platform:
$ yarn package-win
- vbCODE - Best IDE Editor
- Javascript - Language used
- React - JS Framework
- Redux - React state management
- NodeJS - JS Runtime
- Electron - JS Framework
- Travis CI - CI Service
- Codacy - Automated code review
- Webpack - JS module bundler
- Babel - JS Transpiler
- ESLint - JS Linter
- Ant Design - UI Design Language
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
We use SemVer as versioning system.
- Davide Ceschia - Initial work - GorillaDevs Thanks bro
- Westgate Studios The Company of Course - Westgate Studios
- NanobugXL Because-Y-Not? - FiVVR
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL V3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
Here is the complete list of things we want to do. If you want to help us doing them or want to suggest some new ideas, comment here! TODOS/IDEAS
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