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Installation Instructions

Spimy edited this page Jun 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

Project Setup

This will cover how you can go about installing MuseCLI, both for contribution and for development of your own discord bot, and then running it.


For Development

  1. Run npm install -g muse-cli or yarn global add muse-cli
  2. Run muse new project-name typescript [--git] [--skipInstall] [--packageManager=(npm/yarn)]

For Contribution

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your fork to your local machine
  3. CD into the muse-cli project root directory
  4. Run npm install or yarn
  5. Create a new branch and make your contribution
  6. Make a pull request on GitHub for me to review

Sensitive Information

You must at all cost keep your sensitive information like Discord Bot Token and YouTube API Key safe and the best way to do that is via environment variables. You can set them directly in your SYSTEM ENV, but setting them inside a .env file in your project root folder is recommended:

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