This is a java poker simulator that I wrote back in 2001. I used to have it shared on my website, but I don't have that up anymore so I thought I'd put it in github.
When I was writing my javascript poker simulator, I think I found a couple small bugs in it, but I don't remember what they were, and I don't think I fixed them. Right now, I'm thinking it had to do with the joker, but it might have been in hand ranking section. Use it at your own risk.,, and contain the classes. All the other files contain runnable programs. The files in folder TestHands contain executable files that create a sample hand and test the hand for proper rank. The files in the folder MPI contain similar executable files, but utilize Message Passing Interface (MPI) to use multiple computers/processors to run the simulations. This was originally written for a Beowulf cluster. I've no clue if it will work on a standard computer, but I wrote it, so it's there.