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Adhoc Documentation

Documentation / Guide for Adhoc (final name to be decided).

This is a work in progress, experimental, and subject to major changes.

The eventual ideal/goal of Adhoc is to be a system for running a multi-user, multi-server 3D world in the cloud (e.g. AWS) using Unreal Engine with the HTML5 ES3 (WebGL2) platform plugin.

Live Example: AdhocCombat ( - work in progress


IMPORTANT: Any actions below (and usage of cloud services) will result in risks and costs to you. Everything done is entirely at your own risk. You are responsible for any and all costs incurred. Also see this documentation's LICENSE file which contains a disclaimer.

This is the initial skeleton of the guide and it is just a basic outline for now with some notes about what still needs to be documented. Thus, this guide is not suitable for general use yet and is currently only of technical interest to help understand some of how Adhoc is set up.

Ensure your domain can be managed by Route53

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Adhoc currently assumes you can manage your domain via AWS Route53. This is up to you to set up, pay for etc. You can proceed without it for initial testing however you will only be able to connect via IP address and will not have HTTPS.

From here the domain (if you have one) in this documentation will be referred to as This is just an example. Remember to replace this domain for whatever your domain is in all the steps later as is just an example domain for this documentation.

Setup UE 4.27 HTML5 ES3

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

From here on we assume that Unreal Engine is located at c:/UE/ue-4.27-html5-es3 (NOTE: the forward slashes rather than backslashes are how Git Bash see things, and we do all our work in Git Bash). Remember to replace this directory for whatever your situation is in all the steps later.

Create an Unreal project

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Create a C++ Unreal project (e.g. Third Person C++ sample project) or import an existing project into your UE 4.27 HTML5 ES3. Make sure you can package the project for HTML5 in both Development and Shipping packaging configuration and have ran it locally in a web browser (e.g. using HTML5LauncherHelper.exe).

Make sure you have enabled the WebSocket Networking plugin and are able to connect locally from the web browser to the project running in the editor in listen/server mode.

From here on we assume this project is called ThirdPerson and is located at c:/ThirdPerson/ThirdPerson (the double level directory is just to keep things organised with other code we will be using later). Remember to replace this Unreal project name / directory for whatever your situation is in all the steps later.

Legal requirements

Consider the legal requirements of distributing Unreal Engine, content etc. (e.g. users will typically be downloading the packaged engine/project to their machine and running it). You should adhere to all legal requirements. Legal advice is not provided here - it is your responsibility. I am not a lawyer. This is not legal advice.

Some relevant links:

Other Release Considerations

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

See for things to consider in addition to legal considerations. Enabling crypto and making sure you have appropriate texture sizes are some of these things.

Create Client/Server targets

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Create two copies of `ThirdPerson/Source/ThirdPerson.Target.cs called

  • ThirdPersonClient.Target.cs
  • ThirdPersonServer.Target.cs

In ThirdPersonClient.Target.cs rename the class and constructor ThirdPersonTarget to ThirdPersonClientTarget and change TargetType.Game to TargetType.Client.

In ThirdPersonServer.Target.cs rename the class and constructor ThirdPersonTarget to ThirdPersonServerTarget and change TargetType.Game to TargetType.Server.

I like to add bUseLoggingInShipping = true; to the constructors too to get logging in Shipping builds.

You should be able to build the client / server configurations for your project in Unreal Editor, although this will be done later anyway so optional to do it now.

Enable command line / web socket URL parameters for Unreal project

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Adhoc relies on telling the HTML5 client to connect to a particular server as a particular user. For this we make use of the command line and the ability to provide a web socket URL that the client will connect to.

Enable the command line and websocket URL via session storage functionality, which allows convenient passing of web socket / command line to the HTML5 client:

  • Project Settings -> Platforms -> HTML5 -> Session storage command line key: UnrealEngine_CommandLine
  • Project Settings -> Platforms -> HTML5 -> Session storage WebSocket URL key: UnrealEngine_WebSocketUrl

You won't notice anything different yet with the HTML5 client but later steps will actually make use of this.

Clone AdhocPlugin

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Clone the AdhocPlugin into the Plugins folder in your Unreal project:

cd c:/ThirdPerson/ThirdPerson
mkdir Plugins
cd Plugins

git clone AdhocPlugin

Compile/test Unreal project with AdhocPlugin

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Build the Visual Studio project again for your Unreal project. It should pick up the AdhocPlugin in the compile.

You should see/enable the plugin in your Unreal project now (see Edit -> Plugins -> Search for Adhoc -> AdhocPlugin -> Enabled - make sure this is ticked). Make sure you can still run the project in the Unreal Editor with the plugin enabled. It may try to connect to localhost when it starts (and fail with an error in the output log) but that is OK for now.

Make sure also that you can still build the HTML5 Client (e.g. HTML5 ThirdPersonClient) and it works (the plugin shouldn't cause any issues).

Ensure you can build Linux dedicated server

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Clone adhoc-web

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

cd c:/ThirdPerson

git clone adhoc-web

From here on we assume adhoc-web is located at c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web. Remember to replace this directory for whatever your situation is in all the steps later.

Run AdhocManagerApplication locally

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

cd c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web

mvn clean package -DskipTests

Run the AdhocManagerApplication class in your Java IDE.

You should be able to see it running at http://localhost:80

Test server / client interaction

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

You will need to set a local testing server password. AdhocPlugin needs a matching password to talk to the web application when testing locally.

Create a file c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/env/local.env:

SERVER_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=TODO:\ local\ testing\ password

Now restart AdhocManagerApplication - instead of using a random password it will pick up this testing password above.

Run the project in the Unreal Editor and start play in editor. You should see it start talking to the manager running and should see a message regarding "OnStompConnected" which means the websocket is connected OK.

Setup env/common.env and customization/app-environment.ts file

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Create a file c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/env/common.env with the following contents (remember to adjust to your name/directories etc.):


NOTE: The Entry map is always available to use as a transition/loading screen in most Unreal projects as it comes from the engine so you should be OK using this if you don't have your own.

Create a directory c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/adhoc-angular/src/customization

Copy c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/adhoc-angular/src/app/customization.ts to c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/adhoc-angular/src/customization/customization.ts

Modify it to be what you want to be known as in the About page - this will be publicly visible on the deployed site so only include information you are comfortable presenting to the public.

/** you can create a copy of this in src/customization and tailor it to your needs */
export const customization = {
  title: 'ThirdPerson',
  description: 'ThirdPerson Example',
  developer: 'ThirdPerson Developer',

  /** any additional about information (e.g. assets used etc.) can go in here */
  aboutPageMoreHtml: `
<p>Hello, World!</p>

  /** if adhoc-angular-extra is available this can be set to <tt>extra</tt> */
  extra: null


TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:


Run AdhocManagerApplication locally, then connect via web HTML5 client

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Run AdhocManagerApplication. Run the Unreal Editor as a Listen server. On the web page - you should be able to connect to the server via double click.

Run AdhocManagerApplication locally in Docker profile then connect via web HTML5 client

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

To run the test servers in Docker (rather than having to run your own server in Unreal Editor) you can run AdhocManagerApplication using profiles db-h2postgres,hosting-docker,dns-local (the default profiles when running AdhocManagerApplication are db-h2postgres,hosting-local,dns-local).

This will start up the Unreal servers in your local Docker, rather than you having to manually run a server in Unreal Editor. It is thus much closer to the final cloud deployment as there are multiple servers running in Linux containers etc.

Create AWS adhoc_acme user

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Create a AWS adhoc_acme user with appropriate Route53 access, generate an access token, and set this as adhoc_acme as a user in your AWS profile file(s). This will be used when invoking to do domain cert creation.

If you don't have a domain yet you can skip this step.

Generate certs (using acme?)

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Add the following to c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/env/common.env in addition to its existing contents (remember to adjust to your domain):


If you don't have a domain yet you don't need to add either of these lines (effectively this means SSL_ENABLED will treated as false) and should skip the rest of this step (you won't be able to generate certs).

Generate the certs:


This will generate certs and copy them into c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/certs

This directory or its files should never be checked in to git (the directory is thus in the adhoc-web .gitignore to reduce the chance of accidental commit).

Enable SSL in Unreal project and web project

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

If you don't have a domain yet, skip this step.

In your Unreal project, enable SSL:

Project Settings -> Plugins -> WebSocket Networking

  • Enable SSL = true
  • CA certificate = ../../../certs/thirdperson-ca.cer
  • Server Certificate = ../../../certs/thirdperson.cer
  • Private Key = ../../../certs/thirdperson.key
  • Editor Client Skip Hostname Check = true

NOTE: If interested in a more detailed description of SSL in HTML5 see here.

For local testing we can make the certs available to Unreal Editor.

Create a directory c:/UE/ue-4.27-html5-es3/certs

Copy the following files from c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/certs to c:/UE/ue-4.27-html5-es3/certs:

  • thirdperson.cer
  • thirdperson.key
  • thirdperson-ca.cer

This directory or its files should never be checked in to git (the UnrealEngine .gitignore should already be ignoring by default but be sure you never accidentally add or check them in).

Add a hosts file entry for your domain

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

If you don't have a domain yet you can skip this step.

Add the following to hosts file:

Run AdhocManagerApplication locally in Docker profile then connect via web HTML5 client to test HTTPS/WSS connections

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

If you don't have a domain yet you can skip this step.

Create AWS adhoc_admin user

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

We need an AWS user which will be used to perform infrastructure maintenance (via terraform) and upload images during builds.

Create a AWS adhoc_admin user with Administrator rights, generate an access token, and set this as adhoc_admin as a user in your AWS profile file(s).

Terraform Apply Dev

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Create a file c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/terraform/terraform.tfvars which will define various infrastructure settings. Remember to adjust to your domain and whatever regions you want to use (if you don't have a domain yet - do not include that line):

adhoc_name_dev = "thirdperson"
adhoc_name_qa = "thirdperson"
adhoc_name_prod = "thirdperson"
adhoc_region_dev = "eu-west-2"
adhoc_region_qa = "us-east-2"
adhoc_region_prod = "us-east-2"
route53_zone = ""

Apply terraform in dev workspace:

cd c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/terraform

terraform init

terraform workspace new dev
terraform plan
terraform apply

Terraform state (containing sensitive information including passwords/certificates) is currently stored locally in files/directories such as terraform.tfstate, terraform.tfstate.backup, and terraform.tfstate.d - these state files/directories should never be checked in to git (the files/directories are thus in the adhoc-web/terraform/.gitignore to reduce the chance of accidental commit).

Set dev/qa/prod regions in env

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

In c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/env/dev.env (remember to adjust the below to whatever region you are using):


In c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/env/qa.env (remember to adjust the below to whatever region you are using):


In c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/env/prod.env (remember to adjust the below to whatever region you are using):


Build All and Upload Dev

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Build / upload the dev images:


Start / Stop

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Set thirdperson_manager and thirdperson_kiosk service to 1 instance via AWS console (go to the ECS section for the appropriate region and you should see the services).

Check logs.

Hit dev environment e.g. (if you don't have a domain you will have to access the kiosk task directly via the public IP that AWS will have assigned).

Make sure to set the services back to 0 at the end to switch off the tasks. Wait a few minutes and double check to be sure there are no longer any tasks running in the cluster.

Terraform Destroy Dev

TODO: Write/complete documentation for this step.

Initial notes:

Remember to destroy the environment to avoid any further costs!

cd c:/ThirdPerson/adhoc-web/terraform

terraform destroy

Documentation Copyright / License

Copyright (c) 2022-2024 SpeculativeCoder (

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

See LICENSE (CC-BY-4.0). The license only applies to the files in this repository.


Documentation for Adhoc







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