Use Android Jetpack to see the future!
This is an app I'm making for fun which fetches tarot card data from a REST API to be displayed on an Android phone. I'm using it as my anchor-project as I explore tutorials around Android Jetpack and other best-practices.
v1 is published to the Google Play store. On mobile, search for keyword "spectralfergus".
Upon launch, a call is made to ekelen's tarot-api to fetch 3 random cards, which are displayed in a recyclerview of images and a descripton box. Tapping on any card's image updates the description box with the details of that card.
Android Pie breaks current functionality of fetching card images from a URI (issue #29). May be related to Android's new ImageDecoder class. Work must be done to accomodate for this newest version of Android.
Tarot card data was obtained through "tarot-api" by @ekelen:
Tarot card images are scans of the vintage "Pamela-A" deck provided by Holly Voley at, and are within the public domain: