A toolbelt of Autohotkey scripts I've found to be useful
I live for keyboard shortcuts and macros (i.e. "robots"/"scripts"). Computers handle manual tasks a lot better than we do. Macros can be used for launching multiple windows at once, instantly triggering a webpage refresh upon saving code, parsing a blob of text and then instantly populating a form, cheating at RuneScape apparently... the possibilities are boundless! As a Data Analyst, I use them all the time to parse/format phone numbers and other useful information through RegEx. Since I often use the same scripts when switching between computers, I decided to document some of them. Here are some tools that have just made my life easier.
This is for personal use. I'm going to change and break it a lot. Some macros involving screen-position clicks can undoubtedly cause some unexpected and erratic behavior. Use with caution.
- Download AutoHotKey: https://www.autohotkey.com/download/
- Launch "Armory.ahk" form the start menu
- Script will appear as an "H" logo alongisde your other apps on your bottom-right notifications area/systems tray. Right-click to edit/exit/etc.
- {Ctrl+Space} - Stops any executing threads and restarts the script. Use liberally.
- {Ctrl+Shift+Space} - Stops any executing threads and shuts down the script entirely. Big killswitch in case the other fails.
- {LAlt + RAlt} - Quick Start. Launches a series of programs: Evernote, Android Studio, Git Bash, and GitHub through Chrome.
(more to follow)