Simple multi-task learning example on 2 different datasets. For all our tests we using EfficentNetB0 with input size 3x32x32 P.S. Sorry for my code-style, i don't have enough time(((
Best Accuracy(top-1): 88.7%
Accuracy(top-1) and Loss function:
It's a dataset from my previous test task. Here we have 5 classes: Blouse, Dress, Jeans, Skirt, Tank, 5k rgb images in train set and 5k images in val set
Best Accuracy(top-1): 77.4%
Accuracy(top-1) and Loss function:
Best Accuracy(top-1) FashionRGB: 80.3% Best Accuracy(top-1) Cifar10: 80.6%
I tried several methods of MLT, but there always some disbalance between datasets(because Cifar10 have 10x more images in train set). Here i used my own solution, where:
for i in range(len(train_loader_cifar):
if (bool(random.getrandbits(1)) == True):
then train Cifar10 layer
if (bool(random.getrandbits(1)) == True):
then train FashionRGB layer
It's help us keeping balance between metrics of our datasets
Accuracy(top-1) and Loss function:
Confusion matrix
Model | Accuracy |
Cifar-10 | 88.7 % |
FashionRGB | 77.4 % |
MLT(Cifar-10) | 80.6 %(-8.1%) |
MLT(FashionRGB) | 80.3 %(+2.9%) |
Download FashionRGB dataset from Google Drive.
Unzip archive into dataset folder of this project.
python --dataset FashionRGB
python --dataset Cifar10
You can check all arguments inside this two python scripts. -
Launch tensorboard (optional) If you want to check my experiments in tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir logs/old