The Eyebrow
class exposes the details of a detected eyebrow.
(get) insideEnd: PointSignal (set) (Not Available)
Specifies a PointSignal representing the inside end of the
eyebrow in the face local coordinate system.
See Also: Face.cameraTransform to convert the point
to the coordinate system of the camera.
(get) outsideEnd: PointSignal (set) (Not Available)
Specifies a PointSignal representing the outside end of the
eyebrow in the face local coordinate system.
See Also: Face.cameraTransform to convert the point
to the coordinate system of the camera.
(get) top: PointSignal (set) (Not Available)
Specifies a PointSignal representing the top of the eyebrow
in the face local coordinate system.
See Also: Face.cameraTransform to convert the point
to the coordinate system of the camera.
This module exposes no methods.