The thrilling game where your files are on the line! Are you ready to take the challenge? Caution is advised, though. When you launch the program, it will encrypt all the files in the running directory (except for itself and some config files) using the tough aes-256 encryption. The only way to decrypt the files and retrieve them is by beating the game!
is similar to the classic "snake" game. Your task is to gather the decryption key, which is cut into bytes of data represented by points. But be careful! If you hit your own tail, you lose, and your files will be encrypted forever. On the other hand, if you manage to collect all the bytes without hitting your tail, congratulations! You win, and your files will be restored! (The program is even kind enough to restore the files for you! :D)
As you progress in the game, it gets more challenging. So, be on your toes!
create a few .txt files and add something "important" to them, like a secret message to your friends, or an image. Then, challenge them to beat the game to see what's inside. The stakes are high, and the thrill is real!
Please do not encrypt important files. Only use copies or unique files for the game.
Get ready to face the challenge, and may the odds be in your favor!
This is for fun and games! I am still learning programming. I appreciate feedback, so don't hesitate sending me a message! :]