Template repository for new repos at SEB.
We're using the Teensy 4.0 board. Setup the environment according to the instructions here: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_download.html
- Make sure git is installed with symlink support
During the install of git on Windows, enable symbolic links:
- Tell Bash to create hardlinks instead of symlinks
Edit: (git folder)/etc/bash.bashrc
and add to bottom: MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict
- Set git config to use symlinks
git config core.symlinks true
git clone -c core.symlinks=true <URL>
NOTE: I have tried adding this to the global git config and at the moment it is not working for me so I recommend adding this to each repo...
- Pull the repo
NOTE: Unless you have enabled developer mode in the latest version of Windows 10, you need to run bash as administrator to create symlinks.
- Reset all Symlinks (optional) If you have an existing repo, or are using submodules you may find that the symlinks are not being created correctly so to refresh all the symlinks in the repo you can run these commands.
find -type l -delete
git reset --hard
NOTE: This will reset any changes since last commit so make sure you have committed first. git reset --hard
NOTE: This will reset any changes since last commit so make sure you have committed first