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Installing and Updating

sunstep edited this page Sep 30, 2023 · 5 revisions


There are multiple ways to install and use the Store WebPanel 2

  • Installation using the CLI
  • Installation without the CLI
  • Running a Docker Image of the WebPanel

Generic Requirements

These are the generic requirements, they are independent from the installation method and must be fulfilled. If these requirements are not fulfilled the WebPanel will not work.

  • PHP >= 5.5.9
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • Ability to point to root dir of the vhost to the public dir of the WebPanel
  • preferred A subdomain only for the webpanel

Installation using the CLI (Not recommended)

Requirements (in addition to the generic requirements)

  • A Windows or Linux Machine with CLI Access
  • recommended git accessible via CLI
  • php accessible via CLI


Run the following commands in the CLI

cd %installdir%

git clone .

curl -sS | php

Copy the .env.example to the .env file

Edit the .env file to match your environment

  • Set APP_DEBUG to false (Doesn't show error messages to the users, set this to true if you run into problems)
  • Set the APP_URL to the URL that points to the public dir of the WebPanel
  • Change the DB_XX_PANEL settings to a database that exists and is accessible by the WebPanel
  • Change the DB_XX_STORE settings to a database that exists and is accessible by the WebPanel and the Store Plugin
  • Change the Mail settings to a existing mail server
  • Save the file

Run the following commands in the CLI

php composer.phar install

php artisan key:generate

php artisan migrate

I recommend to setup a sub-domain that points to the public dir of the WebPanel

Once you have done that the installation is finished and you can start using the WebPanel

Open the URL of your WebPanel and click on "Proceed to the Admin Interface"

Login with and password

Updating the WebPanel with the cli

To update the WebPanel you have to run the following commands:

cd %installdir%

git clone

php composer.phar install

php artisan migrate

Once you have executed these commands you have updated the WebPanel and the database

Installation without the CLI (Recommended)

It is possible to install the WebPanel without the CLI

  • Go to the Release Page and download the for the release that you would like to use.
  • Upload the to your webserver
  • Unzip it (You can also unzip it before uploading, but then the upload will take much longer)
  • Point the http root dir to the /public folder or Setup a .htaccess file that redirects all request to public and prevents access all other folders and the .env file. Read this and google, there are a lot of tutorials .(If you dont do that, everyone can get your db credentials)
  • Open http://Link-to-your-webpanel/installer
  • Go through the installer (Make sure to read everything, there is important information
  • Done

Running a Docker Image

I havnt finished that tutorial