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sunstep edited this page Sep 30, 2023 · 12 revisions


These are the F.A.Q. for the WebPanel. Read them before asking your question


I need help, what should I do ?

If you are stuck, there will be people that are happy to help you as long as you follow a few simple rules:

I have been asked to add relevant error messages to my bug report / post on the AM Forum, how do I do that ?

  • First you have to enable Error Reporting by changing the following setting in your .env file: APP_DEBUG=true

  • With this setting enabled, you should get more meaningful error messages.

  • In addition you can find error logs in /storage/logs

  • Make sure to look at the correct time, because the server might be in a different time-zone than you are.

  • I would not recommend to post the entire log, because it might contain sensitive data.

I get the message "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." when opening the WebPanel.

  • Check the logs for any error messages (They are located in /storage/logs)

I'm getting http error 500 when trying to go to the public folder.

  • Possible solution 1: on Linux, type sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo systemctl restart apache2 (if you use apache2 as http webserver)
  • Possible solution 2: on Linux as well, type sudo chown -R www-data:www-data <path/to/your/store/directory> && sudo systemctl restart
  • Possible solution 3: If you are planning on using the web installer, then download the package from the releases page. Do not download the repository (not recommended nowadays because this web panel is very outdated, and CLI installation will most likely not work for you.)
  • Note: make sure to omit <> out from the path to your store directory.

There is no installer folder, how to install the panel now?

  • There actually is an installer, but it doesn't have a directory. Make your website redirect automatically to the public folder, then manually type /installer in your browser to set everything up through the installer. If you cannot access the installer because of http error 500, then refer to the question above.

I'm getting "ErrorException in ArrayInput.php line 138: Trying to access array offset on value of type int" after filling in the settings during the installer.

  • Downgrade your php version, it does not have to be systemwide. It's possible to downgrade the php version for just one site. This will keep compatibility with any other websites you might have, like sourcebans++. php5.6 - 7.3 should work. Do not go beyond php7.4.