"This GitHub repository contains a Spring Boot application for managing employee records with CRUD functionality. You can create, update, get, and delete employee data using this RESTful API. It's a practical example of building a robust backend for employee management in Java."
This is a Spring Boot application that provides RESTful API endpoints for managing employee records. It allows you to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on employee data. This is a simple yet practical example of building a backend for employee management in Java.
Create a new employee
Retrieve employee information
Update employee details
Delete employee records
To run this application locally, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Open the project in your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Make sure you have Java and Maven,Spring-tool-Suite installed.
Build and run the application using Spring-tool-Suite.
The application will start on http://localhost:8080. You can use tools like Postman or curl to interact with the API endpoints.
- POST /employees - Create a new employee.
- GET /employees/{id} - Retrieve an employee's information by ID.
- PUT /employees/{id} - Update an employee's details by ID.
- DELETE /employees/{id} - Delete an employee by ID.
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests. Your feedback and contributions are highly appreciated.
Happy coding!