Releases: SouOWendel/shinobi-no-sho
Releases · SouOWendel/shinobi-no-sho
1.12.0 (2024-11-01)
- actor: added derived data to NPC sheet, this only include calculations for bonus (0243f35)
- d8roll: adjust the parts of formula to exclude null and zero values (ba863bf)
- localization: added abbreviations for skills to add on NPC sheet (995e198)
- localization: added NPC type localization (4d13e6b)
- localization: added texts for token size configuration (5d40301)
- migration, settings, token bar: added migration and his conditions, configured the token bar for system and brawl bar module (9f3cf28)
- migration: added migration system with migrations for 'absorcao' on ninja sheet (8b12911)
- NPC sheet templates: created the layout of NPC sheet with tabs, new skills layout, modifications on combat abilities and more, similar to ninja sheet (92f3c64)
- NPC: created the NPC sheet with data structure, item organization, and some functions of the ninja sheet (5325ea3)
- settings: settings for token syze system and migration version (75fbec1)
- templates.mjs: added template parts of npc sheet with respective partials (1c5f589)
- token sizes: the active tokens on the scene now changes the size too. Added an option to deactive the changes on token size (55c5efd)
Bug Fixes
- actor ninja sheet: deleted unnecessary div tag (201831f)
- actor ninja sheet: fixed the scrollbar on skill tab (1f68b02)
- field: fixed a name and value on sheet (absorcao) (512d6ce)
- ninja sheet: changed the margin and padding of 'pericia livre' (701ab15)
- ninja sheet: fixed the icons of font awesome on combat tab (c9c6217)
1.11.0 (2024-10-19)
- actor ninja sheet: added 'tamanho' field on sheet with localizations and data (448d750)
- actor ninja sheet: added new row on inventory for device items (2c95141)
- actor ninja sheet: changed the path of 'dureza' data and some breaklines (a393313)
- css/sass: added styles for new skills and increase/decrease system (74fea53)
- css/sass: refactor the header fields with second version and added input center utils class (ff48508)
- dynamic token size: now the size of tokens are changed dynamically (f840159)
- field dureza: added the data structure, styles and dureza field (71a6970)
- general item sheet: rearrangement of the layout and added 'usos' fields (113cf48)
- general item: added new types for techniques and general items and damage type for weapons (d14a66a)
- increase/decrease + new skills: added 'voo' and an open expertise, overmore, added increase and decrease system with fields (c68e6cc)
- item geral sheet: centralized the quantity label (fafceb2)
- ninja actor inventory: now 'dispositivos' are created on the own category (5201996)
- onRoll: added the name of 'pericia livre' now are displayed on chat rolls (fa270aa)
- size feature: added dynamic changes on 'vigor' and 'força' (b45050d)
- size feature: makes changes when the size changes on actors (edb7a4c)
- skills: added two new skills: 'voo' and 'pericia livre' (ae1aed6)
- template.json: added 'usos' for general items (beaa5dc)
- tokenSizes: adjust sizes (adf9980)
Bug Fixes
- dynamic inputs: changed the method name because is reservad name (9378f3e)
- template.json: removed bonus on dureza attribute (3c34676)
1.10.0 (2024-10-07)
- areaTemplate.hbs: adjusted the layout, classes and names (a967f9c)
- areaTemplate: filter and define area dat according to the system, add template controls and change the class name (e58faa9)
- areaTemplate: prepare the environment for chat features and created the areaTemplate with layout and logic (f396bfc)
- areaTemplate: re-render the data of items on prepareTemplate calculations (b032fa3)
- armas and gerais sheet: has been added the areaTemplate in this items (0cec6ed)
- config and localizations: added config variables for dropdowns with the respectives translates (e615678)
- css/sass: adjusted the buttons and other properties of areaTemplate (52bc0af)
- css/sass: layout for areaTemplate, adjusts on item-card (814aa7b)
- item tecnicas sheet: added data-dtype number for areaTemplate fields (ad649ab)
- item-sheet: added content class to scrollY, dropdowns, and array handler for techniques and equipments items (e242d23)
- localization: changed 'Meia-esfera' to 'Meia esfera' (065575e)
- localization: changed and created a lot of keys and values with translates (93950d6)
- system.json: changed the compatibility to v12 and changes on packs, grids and flags (18369be)