1.13.3 (2024-12-14)
- macros: fixed the defense macro for NPCs (351029d)
1.13.2 (2024-12-13)
- initiative: fixed the initiative for NPC sheet (it was not calculated) (22cee97)
- macros: fixed the macros of system to work on NPC sheet (0b033a0)
1.13.1 (2024-12-06)
- area template: added custom field on 'armas' and 'tecnicas' (a2e0466)
1.13.0 (2024-12-05)
- areaTemplate: added more options to calculate the area and modified the custom option (30e9aa9)
- general item: changed the 'medium device' for 'default device' (3169942)
- sheets: translated 'name' placeholder for portuguese (dd024d8)
1.12.0 (2024-11-01)
- actor: added derived data to NPC sheet, this only include calculations for bonus (0243f35)
- d8roll: adjust the parts of formula to exclude null and zero values (ba863bf)
- localization: added abbreviations for skills to add on NPC sheet (995e198)
- localization: added NPC type localization (4d13e6b)
- localization: added texts for token size configuration (5d40301)
- migration, settings, token bar: added migration and his conditions, configured the token bar for system and brawl bar module (9f3cf28)
- migration: added migration system with migrations for 'absorcao' on ninja sheet (8b12911)
- NPC sheet templates: created the layout of NPC sheet with tabs, new skills layout, modifications on combat abilities and more, similar to ninja sheet (92f3c64)
- NPC: created the NPC sheet with data structure, item organization, and some functions of the ninja sheet (5325ea3)
- settings: settings for token syze system and migration version (75fbec1)
- templates.mjs: added template parts of npc sheet with respective partials (1c5f589)
- token sizes: the active tokens on the scene now changes the size too. Added an option to deactive the changes on token size (55c5efd)
- actor ninja sheet: deleted unnecessary div tag (201831f)
- actor ninja sheet: fixed the scrollbar on skill tab (1f68b02)
- field: fixed a name and value on sheet (absorcao) (512d6ce)
- ninja sheet: changed the margin and padding of 'pericia livre' (701ab15)
- ninja sheet: fixed the icons of font awesome on combat tab (c9c6217)
1.11.0 (2024-10-19)
- actor ninja sheet: added 'tamanho' field on sheet with localizations and data (448d750)
- actor ninja sheet: added new row on inventory for device items (2c95141)
- actor ninja sheet: changed the path of 'dureza' data and some breaklines (a393313)
- css/sass: added styles for new skills and increase/decrease system (74fea53)
- css/sass: refactor the header fields with second version and added input center utils class (ff48508)
- dynamic token size: now the size of tokens are changed dynamically (f840159)
- field dureza: added the data structure, styles and dureza field (71a6970)
- general item sheet: rearrangement of the layout and added 'usos' fields (113cf48)
- general item: added new types for techniques and general items and damage type for weapons (d14a66a)
- increase/decrease + new skills: added 'voo' and an open expertise, overmore, added increase and decrease system with fields (c68e6cc)
- item geral sheet: centralized the quantity label (fafceb2)
- ninja actor inventory: now 'dispositivos' are created on the own category (5201996)
- onRoll: added the name of 'pericia livre' now are displayed on chat rolls (fa270aa)
- size feature: added dynamic changes on 'vigor' and 'força' (b45050d)
- size feature: makes changes when the size changes on actors (edb7a4c)
- skills: added two new skills: 'voo' and 'pericia livre' (ae1aed6)
- template.json: added 'usos' for general items (beaa5dc)
- tokenSizes: adjust sizes (adf9980)
- dynamic inputs: changed the method name because is reservad name (9378f3e)
- template.json: removed bonus on dureza attribute (3c34676)
1.10.2 (2024-10-10)
- areaTemplate: fixed the condition that defines when the button is displayed (4d79bb2)
1.10.1 (2024-10-09)
- hasAreaTemplate: fixed the condition that checks whether an area template exists (4dbdc4a)
1.10.0 (2024-10-07)
- areaTemplate.hbs: adjusted the layout, classes and names (a967f9c)
- areaTemplate: filter and define area dat according to the system, add template controls and change the class name (e58faa9)
- areaTemplate: prepare the environment for chat features and created the areaTemplate with layout and logic (f396bfc)
- areaTemplate: re-render the data of items on prepareTemplate calculations (b032fa3)
- armas and gerais sheet: has been added the areaTemplate in this items (0cec6ed)
- config and localizations: added config variables for dropdowns with the respectives translates (e615678)
- css/sass: adjusted the buttons and other properties of areaTemplate (52bc0af)
- css/sass: layout for areaTemplate, adjusts on item-card (814aa7b)
- item tecnicas sheet: added data-dtype number for areaTemplate fields (ad649ab)
- item-sheet: added content class to scrollY, dropdowns, and array handler for techniques and equipments items (e242d23)
- localization: changed 'Meia-esfera' to 'Meia esfera' (065575e)
- localization: changed and created a lot of keys and values with translates (93950d6)
- system.json: changed the compatibility to v12 and changes on packs, grids and flags (18369be)
- field control: fixed the areaTemplate control on item sheet changing the dataset (4dddc68)
- item-card: fixed the path of combatAbilities (f7981a2)
- ninja inventory: fixed an 'a' tag variable syntax (3d38e4a)
1.9.1 (2024-08-07)
- macro pack: fixed an error on general skill macro (66d1c45)
1.9.0 (2024-08-07)
- packs: added foundry cli as dev dependency, added a script and also added a util script (b4c83f7)
- packs: added macro pack on the system (0261f6a)
- d8roll: fixed the roll mode of rolls assigning the private var to chat data with conditions (d8fe869)
- d8roll: removed the number of dices on d8 dices to fix a problem with generic rolls with this type (e9aba2e)
1.8.0 (2024-08-04)
- actor sheet rolls: added ability feature to onRoll handler for roll abilities with total bonus with flavor on chat (f6d2231)
- actor sheet rolls: added roll of skill type using dataset and onRoll listener/hook (8aace4e)
- actor sheet rolls: added rolls to combat abilities with dataset roll type and key (26a4193)
- actor sheet rolls: changed the object dataset ability name to generic name as 'key' (25be504)
- d8roll class: changed the static property isFumble to IsFailure (b79b4a8)
- d8Roll system function: added condition to open the dialog to configure roll only when shift key boolean is true (d48a8b3)
- d8roll template: added the classes: degree, itsCritical, ItsFailure. Removed the critical data test (b562cf0)
- d8roll: added chatTemplate option to d8roll (a45d344)
- d8roll: added d8roll class (extended for foundry Roll class) with some changes to display system rolls with critical, degree, bonus, and rollmode (5bbcb4b)
- d8roll: added d8roll to dices of system and configure the rolls for abilities, skills and combat abilities (8e6d962)
- d8roll: added hasDegree and hasCritical to filter when display or no that roll traits, changed 'fumble' to 'failure' (e6e8f1c)
- d8roll: added static method to calculate the degree for display on roll template (bc82d5b)
- dice sass/css: added styles for fix dice-flavor, added degree font styles, and styles for critical and failure dice results (6874d9a)
- roll degree: the base calculation of grade for rolls was added along with its logic and the critical variable (9bde03c)
- technique item sheet: changed the chakra field cost to dropdown and added another field, update the item card (9579edb)
1.7.0 (2024-07-25)
- config.mjs: added linha to areaEfeito, vertexto on duration, and also replaced raridade to rarity (97c5fe8)
- localization: added vertexto and linha translates for english and portuguese files (2685230)
- rarity: changed the rarity field and keys for compatibility with Rarity Colors and modules for DND5e system (2141ee6)
1.6.0 (2024-07-20)
- chat item card: added characteristics spans to display on techniques items (435bbf5)
1.5.0 (2024-07-20)
- readme: added badges and getting started (e9c4df6)
1.4.0 (2024-07-20)
- localization: added english language, changed name and book discord, also added action and techniques translates (5b6f961)
- sidebar: changed the logo and added some styles for header (8ddc89d)
- system.json: changed the title of system, removed the background, updated the verified version and grid keys (8ed0012)
- techniques and actions dropdown: added subtypes (jikuukan and shunjutsu) and added more actions (d271aba)
- template.json: fixed the skill medicine, changed the ability from 'for' to 'int' (ee639e5)
1.3.2 (2024-07-16)
1.3.1 (2024-07-16)
- credits: changed the name of contributor and the discord tag (05a9216)
- system: changed the id for lowercase and added more info in authors array (27e846b)
1.3.0 (2024-07-15)
- bonus: added bonus variable and template data key on vitality and chakra (31bf5a8)
1.2.1 (2024-07-13)
- core system: the setup code was commented out due to an inconsistency in the code (cbcaaca)
1.2.0 (2024-07-13)
- trackableAttributes: added vitality and chakra to trackableAttributes, changed the 'atual' key to 'value' and the standard bars to new reference (86fdd3f)
- chat item card: added characteristics to display on chat (c33bfd1)
- localization: changed actor type ninja to uppercase (7b6e1ca)
- power item sheet: fixed the description reference on system data (477f483)
- techniques item sheet: fixed the checkbox write function with handlebars helper (02b3831)
1.1.1 (2024-07-13)
- aptitude item sheet: fixed the aptitude type on dropdown, added restrict type and special type (e007bd4)
1.1.0 (2024-07-13)
- chat item card: added critical and toughness to technique item card on chat (92cbe2a)
- core system: added hook preCreateActor to apply prototypeToken modifications (actor link true, and disposition neutral) (a3a0f83)
- initiative: fixed the initiative roll data (5006c68)
- items sheet editor: added min-height to fix display editor enter the all item sheet (a4ade7d)
- techniques item sheet: added critical label (a810cac)
- template.json: changed 'nivelCampanha' from 1 to 4, and changed the 'nivelShinobi' from 1 to Genin (2ac7ffc)
1.0.0 (2024-07-13)
- first official release: none, just launched the first version
- first official release: launch the v1 version (a290db3)
- first official release: launch the v1 version (c32e3ef)
0.4.0 (2024-07-13)
- actor sheet and config file: added header informations and custom dropdown of social skills, also added filter to skills for trained and armor condition (66b61a0)
- actor sheet: added one new tab on options about skills part (fc029e7)
- actor: added calculation of custom social skill field (6ec5dd6)
- armor item sheet: fixed all checkbox of traits, added critical field, remove some fiels to damage (52264f0)
- armor item: added toughness field (0459db3)
- assets: added logo from rpg system Naruto 'Shinobi no Sho' (44736f7)
- chat item card: added traits to card, the critical field, and 'other' fields (08334b3)
- chat item-card: added item-card to display item info on chat (04dc2d3)
- combat tab: added all calculation of combat abilities and combat statistics, displayed the data and changed the data template (b98f4d4)
- config.mjs: was added dropdowns about skills and combat abilities (8fb7197)
- css/sass: added styles for tabs, overflow and scroll, also was added styles for chat item-card template (3722b09)
- css/sass: defined the max-width of input and select on combat statistics section (00930ef)
- css/sass: several adjustments and stylizations (b60fd44)
- custom sidebar + credits: added custom sidebar with links to system discord, twitter, author, official site, etc (05224c6)
- initiative: added initiative and IfInequals handlebars helper (e730331)
- item-sheet: changed the height of item-sheet from '440px' to '445px' (e8fb4b5)
- items dropdown: added all dropdown data and configuration of items (aptitudes, armors, weapons, general item, techniques and powers) (2af6369)
- items sheet: added 'rarity', 'alternative name', 'origin' fields and div content to tempt to overflow the scroll of sheets (19746bb)
- items sheet: added container to description and characteristics editors (7597124)
- items sheet: added flexcol to form html to all items, this fixed the overflow of scroll (5d67f31)
- localization: added translates for header informations and added plus symbol to venefício skill (a64e447)
- localization: changed and added new abilities translates, also added combat abilities (c9d4a4e)
- ninja combat tab: added base field to combat abilities (9f7c4b9)
- ninja inventory: added ryos field (74fe1b1)
- ninja sheet parts: added data to display in tabulated items informations of aptitudes and powers, inventory and techniques (e3d19e9)
- ninja sheet parts: added localization for all displayed data (bbebdd8)
- ninja sheet skills: splited the skills tab in general skills tab and social skills tab (1a45d21)
- ninja sheet: added dropdown fields to header, changed the abilities label to abbreviation and added absortion field to quick access container (d16718d)
- ninja sheet: added feature to add multiple relations on biography t ab (003389b)
- ninja sheet: changed dropdowns to input type text and added tabs to skills tab (e3a9e33)
- ninja skills tab: added custom field to calculate social skills value, also added guide to general skills treats (e301068)
- power item sheet: added new tab to add acquired effects for powers (b163736)
- shinobiNoSho main file: created the 'ifEquals' helper of handlebars for conditions in layouts (b573c42)
- system.json: changed the wallpaper, was added manifest, changed the primary and secondary token bars, changed the grid distance (fbfb840)
- techniques item sheet: added critical field and toughness field (60d2428)
- techniques item: added subtype technique dropdown field (7b6f20a)
- template.json: added 'raridade' key and deleted the 'classificao' key (e59b55f)
- template.json: added all items data, changed all value of abilities from '10' to '1', added skill key to combat abilities and changed the value of skills to null (2d492a0)
- template.json: changed 'caracteristicas' to skills for 'caract', added 'acuidade', 'custom', 'dureza' e 'critico' (848e359)
- weapon sheet: added new feature to add multiple damages to one weapon (6c105b3)
- effects item part: fixed the effects control icons style (1604e4c)
- item-sheet: fixed the delete feature of multiple damages in weapon item (06615ed)
0.3.0 (2024-07-05)
- actor ninja sheet: was applied the ninja sheet layout with some stylizations (2b595f5)
- actor sheet, 'inventario' and 'biografia': created a sub-tabs for biografia tab, and several fields, also was created inventory filter with layout (5cfc871)
- actor sheet: changed the name of new items from 'New' to 'Novo(a)' (8a7a5a1)
- actor sheet: created label with localization for all skills (3cb85b0)
- all items: changed the all items with tabulated fields with stylizations and new and respective tabs (e8d410c)
- config.mjs: added skills (general and social) for register constants with localizations (6f27529)
- css/sass: added styles for ninja sheet and several items of system (beb31a7)
- css/sass: added styles for sheet-body, combat tab, biography tab, and flex utilities (8699af9)
- css/sass: created some classes for tabulate with flex display (fab7908)
- css: added styles for tabs on ninja sheet (1682c07)
- item-sheet: changed the width from 620 to 520 pixels (02035a1)
- localization: skills translates and new translates for items (9e069ec)
- ninja part combat: added all template data to fields values and names for read and write actions (5a42768)
- ninja part skills: added all template data to fields and refactor HTML with handlebars loop (9665330)
- ninja sheet parts: added and tabulated informations of items with display flex (79e7592)
- ninja sheet parts: added list of items about techniques and aptitudes/powers (da3fccc)
- ninja sheet parts: applied combat skills and combat statistics section layout with fields (7eab20c)
- ninja sheet: added all template data to fields and fixed the overflow scroll to tabs (0036516)
- ninja sheet: created layout for family tab, added max vitality and chakra (5072c40)
- ninja skills part: created a tab for general skills and social skills (8c66091)
- resources: added some utility class styles (padding and bold) (c0e2e58)
- system.json: changed the background image and thumbnail of system to naruto wallpaper (e679cbe)
- template.json: changed ryos value from 0 to 100, because this is the standard value (61d9185)
- template.json: changed the item type from 'geral' to 'gerais' (5ac5ec3)
- template.json: created data of ninja sheet with details informations and skills (3a1f7ce)
0.2.0 (2024-06-26)
- item tecnica: created standard sheet for tecnica item (d92873e)
- localization: added base localizations for portuguese brazillian (6f49eb8)
- release please: added release-please with specific system configurations (1b73fda)
- release please: also added with release please the manifest and configurations of manifest (13aa793)
- system.json: added flags for hotReload function of Foundry (1d8852b)
- system.json: replaced all boilerplate for system name (shinobiNoSho) and added assets media (b5f653c)
- template.json: added 'tecnicas' item and rename 'equipamentos' to 'geral' (766897d)
- template.json: created a sketch of ninja actor and items (weapons, armor, equipments, aptitudes and powers) (69b3cf2)
- template.json: was added abilities (vig, social, and combate), attributes, details and currency (5ff67a7)
- Add support for Foundry v12 and initial files.