description |
View all of our API endpoints, learn about our data structuring, and integrate your framework with Sonoran CAD. |
{% hint style="info" %}
API endpoints are not enabled with the free version of Sonoran CAD.
For more information, see our pricing or view how to check your community limits.
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="success" %} Looking for VPS, web, or dedicated hosting? Check out our official server hosting! {% endhint %}
View all emergency endpoints including unit actions, emergency calls, dispatching, and more!
{% content-ref url="emergency/" %} emergency {% endcontent-ref %}
View all civilian endpoints including creating new characters, modifying licenses, vehicle registrations, and more!
{% content-ref url="civilian/" %} civilian {% endcontent-ref %}
View all general endpoints for user account actions, administrative actions, and more!
{% content-ref url="general/" %} general {% endcontent-ref %}
This example makes a unit panic request based on a unit's API ID. This uses the Axios library to help make the HTTP POST request.
The server response is then logged to console.
// Import Axios library
// Install command: `npm i axios`
import axios from 'axios';
// Set the API URL (CAD backend)
let baseURL = '';
// Set the `api` object to be used
let api = axios.create({ baseURL });
// Format the POST body data
const data = {
key: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
type: 'UNIT_PANIC',
data: [
// Data: List (array) of unit panic objects
// Here, we're specifying one unit to PANIC
apiId: "STEAM:5678", // Unit with their API ID set as `STEAM:5678`
isPanic: true, // Panic ON
// Send the POST request
// Format the data to JSON'/emergency/unit_panic', JSON.stringify(data))
.then((response) => {
// Response back from the backend
.catch((err) => {
// Error response back from the backend
This example makes a unit panic request based on a unit's API ID. This uses the FiveM performHttpRequest native to help make the HTTP POST request.
The server response is then logged to console.
-- Body payload object
local payload = {}
-- Specify our community ID, API key, and API method type (Panic)
payload["id"] = "YOUR_COMMUNITY_ID"
payload["key"] = "YOUR_API_KEY"
payload["type"] = "UNIT_PANIC"
-- Data: List (array) of unit panic objects
-- Here, we're specifying one unit to PANIC
local postData = {
["apiId"] = "STEAM:5678", -- Unit with their API ID set as `STEAM:5678`
["isPanic"] = true -- Panic ON
-- Add this data to our payload
payload["data"] = postData
-- Send POST request with JSON encoded body (payload)
PerformHttpRequest("", function(statusCode, res, headers)
if statusCode == 200 and res ~= nil then
-- Status code 200 (Success)
print("result: "..tostring(res))
-- Error code
print(("CAD API ERROR: %s %s"):format(statusCode, res))
end, "POST", json.encode(payload), {["Content-Type"]="application/json"})