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Sonoran CAD's Integration Core imports common API method wrappers and functionality. Installing our integration framework is easy! Learn more below.

FiveM Installation

Sonoran CAD integration submodules require the standard version of Sonoran CAD or higher. For more information, see our pricing page.

{% hint style="success" %} Looking for VPS, web, or dedicated hosting? Check out our official server hosting!
Sonoran Servers customers receive free submodule activation and 30% off their monthly CAD subscription! {% endhint %}

Sonoran Servers - Discount and Free Submodule Activation

{% hint style="info" %} Updating From v2.X.X or earlier? see our recommended update steps below {% endhint %}

Installation Video

View our installation tutorial video for help on installing our framework.

{% embed url="" %}

Pre-Configured Resource Installation (Recommended)

1. Download the ZIP

Download a pre-configured version of the in-game integration resource from the panel. This download will already have your community ID and API Key in the config.lua file in addition to file renaming done for you.

Navigate to Admin -> Advanced -> In-Game Integration -> FiveM

Sonoran CAD: FiveM Resource Download

2. Extract the ZIP File

Extract the .zip file into your resources directory. Place the [sonorancad] folder directly in the resources root directory.

Sonoran CAD - Folder Structure

3. Update Your Server Config

In your server.cfg file, add the following:

ensure pNotify
ensure wk_wars2x
ensure sonorancad
ensure tablet

# permissions for auto-updater (REQUIRED)
add_ace resource.sonorancad command allow
add_ace resource.sonoran_updatehelper command allow

{% hint style="danger" %} It is very important that the sonoran_updatehelper resource is not started manually. Doing so may cause a server crash if updates are available due to a race condition.

DO NOT start the whole [sonorancad] folder as that will also start the sonoran_updatehelper which might cause crashing if it is started manually. Example of not what to do ensure [sonorancad] {% endhint %}

4. Configure the Resource

Modify the /configuration/config.jsonfile for any additional configuration values.

5. Configure the Submodules

The Sonoran CAD FiveM resources has multiple "submodules" for every integration feature. These are easily enabled and configured in the /configuration folder.

{% content-ref url="available-plugins/" %} available-plugins {% endcontent-ref %}

Resource Installation (Manual)

1. Download the ZIP

Download the latest zip file from our Github.

2. Extract the ZIP File

Extract the .zip file into your resources directory. Place the [sonorancad] folder directly in the resources root directory.

Extract the zip file into your resources directory. Keep the [sonorancad] folder intact.

{% hint style="warning" %} If you already have the wk_wars2x resource, please remove it from your resources folder and use the Sonoran version included with the framework download. {% endhint %}

3. Configure and Rename

Open sonorancad\configuration\config.CHANGEME.json, update the values, then save it as config.json. Default configuration is below:

    "communityID": "",
    "apiKey": "",
    "mode": "production",
    "postTime": 5000,
    "serverId": "1",
    "primaryIdentifier": "steam",
    "apiSendEnabled": true,
    "debugMode": false,
    "updateBranch": "master",
    "statusLabels": ["UNAVAILABLE", "BUSY", "AVAILABLE", "ENROUTE", "ON_SCENE"],
    "allowAutoUpdate": true,
    "autoUpdateUrl": "{branch}/sonorancad/version.json",
    "allowUpdateWithPlayers": false,
    "noUnitTimer": false,
    "forceSetApiId": false,
    "enablePushEventForwarding": false,
    "pushEventForwardUrl": "https://host",
    "disableOverride": false,
    "bodycamEnabled": true,
    "bodycamBeepFrequency": 300000,
    "bodycamScreenshotFrequency": 2000,
    "bodycamPlayBeeps": true,
    "bodycamOverlayEnabled": true,
    "bodycamOverlayLocation": "top-right",
    "bodycamCommandToggle": "bodycam",
    "bodycamCommandChangeFrequncy": "bodycamfreq"

Configuration Details

Option Description
communityID Your SonoranCAD Community ID.
apiKey API Key from your In-Game Integration settings.

Update locations every x ms. Default 5000.
It is recommend to not set this lower than 5000 ms due to rate limiting.

serverId If using multiple servers in Sonoran CAD, specify the ID here.

The identifier type your community uses in the CAD to enter their API IDs.
Valid values are: license, steam, or discord.

apiSendEnabled When disabled, the integration will not send any API requests to SonoranCAD.

When set to true, useful debugging information it outputted to the console.
Keep disabled in production due to console spam.
This can be toggled by entering sonoran debugmode in console.


Use this branch when checking for updates.
Keep master unless you know what you're doing.

statusLabels Should match what you have set in your CAD's unit status code settings.
allowAutoUpdate When enabled, the resource will update itself. When disabled, it will simply show an update notification every 2 hours.
autoUpdateUrl Where to check for updated versions. Don't touch this unless you have a reason.
allowUpdateWithPlayers When enabled, it will run the updates even with players on the server. The updater will stop/start all associated resources which could cause client crashes. When disabled, the resource "waits" until there are no players.
noUnitTimer When set to true, the CAD will not check every minute for a current unit list. Should only be enabled for troubleshooting issues with the unit cache.
enableCanary When enabled, allows the CAD to update to beta (aka canary) releases.

Enables push event forwarding to the specific URL defined in the next option.

NOTE: DO NOT ENABLE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING (Used for custom development only!)


Web server URL to forward push events to.

NOTE: DO NOT ENABLE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING (Used for custom development only!)

forceSetApiId When enabled, the tablet resource will show an alert message stating they must set their API ID.

By default, the framework will try and automatically correct your server's IP, port, and outgoing IP address if it detects something different.

Set this to true to disable this functionality.

For information regarding the bodycam script config values, please see our Bodycam Submodule Guide.

4. Server Config

Add the following to your server.cfg (if you don't want pNotify or wraith, leave those out):

{% hint style="danger" %} It is very important that the sonoran_updatehelper resource is not started manually. Doing so may cause a server crash if updates are available due to a race condition.

DO NOT start the whole [sonorancad] folder as that will also start the sonoran_updatehelper which might cause crashing if it is started manually. Example of not what to do ensure [sonorancad] {% endhint %}

ensure pNotify
ensure wk_wars2x
ensure sonorancad
ensure tablet

# permissions for auto-updater (REQUIRED)
add_ace resource.sonorancad command allow
add_ace resource.sonoran_updatehelper command allow

{% hint style="success" %} Once completed please move to the #additional-configuration section to complete your setup {% endhint %}

Additional Configuration

1. Convar Overrides

Starting with framework version 2.6.2, you can override any configuration option in your config.json file by specifying a convar before the sonorancad resource starts.

{% hint style="warning" %} This feature does not work with arrays (like statusLabels). Any other configuration option can be set using the sonoran_<configSettingHere> format. {% endhint %}

2. Configure Push Events

In the CAD admin panel, navigate to: Advanced > In-Game Integration
Expand the "Server Events and Integrated Live Map" section.

Enter your server's public IP address and your game server's port. By default, this is port 30120.

2A. Admin Panel Configuration

Set your game server port and IP address in the admin panel of Sonoran CAD.
The map port can be left blank, unless you are also installing the integrated live map.

Sonoran CAD - Game Port

Learn more about configuring multiple servers.

2B. Forward Push Events to an External Server

You may wish to also send push events to another external web server, like a Discord bot.

In the framework configuration file, simply set enablePushEventForwarding to true and pushEventForwardUrl to your web server address.

3. Activating Submodules

Check out our pre-bundled submodule-configurationto make the integration useful.
For basic functionality, we recommend at least the locations, callcommands, and postals submodules.
You can also view our standard submodule activation guide.

4. Using the wk_wars2x Radar

As of new installations, the configuration file has been renamed to prevent it being overwritten by updates. To use the radar for the first time, you must rename the file config.dist.lua within the wk_wars2x folder to config.lua.

5. Steam API Key

If your framework has the primaryIdentifier set to steam in the configuration (used for your API ID type), you'll need to ensure a Steam API key is set in your server.cfg file.

You can register a new Steam API Key at

Then, paste it into your server.cfg

# Steam Web API key
# If you want to use Steam authentication ( # -> replace "" with the key
set steam_webApiKey "YOUR_KEY_HERE"


Sonoran CAD's integration framework and submodules will automatically update with the latest features, fixes, and changes!

Or, run sonoran update to instantly check and apply any updates for the framework core.


The Sonoran CAD integration framework comes with several commands. These commands can be run in your server console to provide information, update submodules , and more.

Command Description
sonoran help Display list of commands
sonoran update Run core/framework updater
sonoran debugmode Toggle debug mode on/off
sonoran info Dump version info and configuration data
sonoran support Dump information for support staff


Server Crashes

1. Check to make sure sonoran_updatehelper or [sonorancad] is not being started in your server.cfg.

{% hint style="danger" %} It is very important that the sonoran_updatehelper resource is not started manually. Doing so may cause a server crash if updates are available due to a race condition.

DO NOT start the whole [sonorancad] folder as that will also start the sonoran_updatehelper which might cause crashing if it is started manually. Example of not what to do ensure [sonorancad] {% endhint %}

2. Try updating your smartsigns submodule manually to the latest version. This is done by copying over the lua files from the latest release found here and overrideing the old files.

{% hint style="info" %} We have gotten isolated reports of servers crashing with the following error, this is assumed to be related to having lower end VPS hardware specs and txadmin rebooting the server because the update process is taking too long. {% endhint %}

Warning: Could not find file X

1.) Check that the file in question is actually present in the specified file path. To find the correct path please read the example below:

Started resource sonorancad (3 warnings)
^3Warning: Could not find file `html/config.js` (defined in fxmanifest.lua:16^7

In this example, you would navigate to the sonorancad resource, open the html folder and ensure the file config.js is present.

{% hint style="info" %} This is simply a WARNING, if the resource works AS EXPECTED, you can simply ignore the warning and continue {% endhint %}

Update from v2.x.x or earlier

We recommend a full reinstall of the SonoranCAD Integration. You may copy over the contents of your plugin configuration files to the new submodule's configuration files. Ensure that the file name is not changed as the submodules use the same contents but different file names.

See the Installation steps above to reinstall