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Connected Mode

kevin-hinz edited this page Jan 17, 2023 · 47 revisions


You can connect SonarLint to SonarQube >= 6.7 or SonarCloud to benefit from the same rules and settings that are used to inspect your project on the server. SonarLint then hides in VS the issues that are marked as Won’t Fix, False Positive or Fixed.

Note: Connected Mode does not push or pull issues to or from the server. Rather, its purpose is to configure the IDE so that it uses the same settings as the server.

Supported languages/project types

The following languages and Visual Studio project types are supported:

  • C# (.csproj)
  • VB.NET (.vbproj)
  • C++ (*.vxcproj and CMake) (requires SonarCloud, or SonarQube v7.6 or higher)
  • JavaScript and TypeScript in MSBuild projects or folder workspaces (from SLVS v6.7)

Branch awareness

SonarLint’s branch awareness attempts to find the best matching branch from the server to align your code with the most recent analysis and works automatically when running in Connected Mode. SonarLint for Visual Studio only supports git and the git branch name with regard to branch matching. If the SonarLint’s branch awareness algorithm fails to detect a best match, taint vulnerabilities and issue suppressions will be pulled from the main branch by default.

It is important that we know on which branch the user is at that moment in order to sync the active file with the server when using Connected Mode. When binding your project to the server, SonarLint finds the closest branch to suppress issues (for example, issues marked as “won’t fix”) as defined by the server.

Setting up connected mode

Step (1) Click on Extensions → SonarLint → Connected mode → Bind to SonarQube or SonarCloud to open the "SonarQube Connections tab"


This will display the SonarQube Connections tab:


Step (2) Click on Connect... to display the connection dialogue:


The SonarQube tab is used for connecting to both SonarQube and SonarCloud. To connect to SonarCloud you should enter as the SonarQube server URL.

Step (3) Select the server and enter your credentials

You can connect using either a User Token, or a Username and Password. We strongly recommend using User Tokens. The documentation on creating User Tokens is found here for SonarQube or SonarCloud.

When using a User Token, enter the token in the Username/Token field (in SLVS) and leave the Password field blank.

Step (4) Select the Organization (SonarCloud only)

If you are connecting to SonarCloud, you will also be prompted to choose which of your organizations the project belongs to:


You can also connect to public third-party organizations by entering the organization key in the Other Organizations tab:


To find the organization key for a third-party organization, browse to the project you want to bind to on SonarCloud. The organization key is displayed on the project page:


Step (5) Select the Sonar project to bind to

The final step is to select the Sonar project you want to bind the solution to. Select a project with a double-click or a right-click, and select Bind from the context menu:


SonarLint will then fetch the required settings from the server and create local configuration files.

Retrieving suppressed issues from the server

SonarLint will automatically fetch suppressed issues when the bound solution is opened in Visual Studio, and will periodically check for changes every 10 minutes.

You can manually trigger a fetch by selecting Update in the context menu of the SonarQube tab in the Team Explorer window:


The suppressions will be applied next time an analysis is triggered.

Note: a suppressed issue might still appear in Visual Studio if the code is different from when it was analyzed on SonarQube/SonarCloud.

Note: there is a known issue in which suppressed issues can still be shown for C# and VB.Net. See SLVS-1005 for more information.

Retrieving file exclusions from the server

SonarLint will fetch file exclusions when a binding is made or updated and save to a file named sonar.settings.json under the .sonarlint folder. When a bound solution is opened, SonarLint will automatically check whether the server settings have changed. If the settings on the server have changed, SonarLint will warn you about this discrepancy and will ask you to update the binding.


Alternatively, you can manually trigger an update from a context menu of the SonarQube tab in the Team Explorer window:


Known limitations

  • Supported Languages: C, C++
  • Patterns should start with "**/"
  • Multicriteria and Test exclusions are not supported. We only support Global Source File Exclusions, Source File Exclusions and Source File Inclusions.

Updating the local configuration files

The local Connected Mode configuration files can get out of step with settings on the SonarQube|SonarCloud servers—for example, the Quality Profile for the project is changed on the server.

SonarLint will automatically check whether the server configuration has changed whenever the bound solution is opened in Visual Studio, and will ask you whether you want to update the local configuration to match:


Alternatively, you can manually trigger an update from a context menu of the SonarQube tab in the Team Explorer window:


Removing a solution from Connected Mode

There is not an "unbind" command to disconnect a solution from SonarQube/SonarCloud. Instead, simply delete the .sonarlint folder and its contents.

Legacy connected mode

Prior to version 4.0 (released May 2018), Connected Mode behaved slightly differently:

  • the appropriate NuGet package for the SonarAnalyzer.CSharp/SonarAnalyzer.VisualBasic analyzers were added to each project
  • the Connected Mode settings were saved in a solution-level folder called SonarQube in a file called SolutionBinding.sqconfig.

In subsequent versions of SonarLint:

  • the analyzer NuGet packages are no longer installed in any project
  • the settings are saved in a solution-level folder called .sonarlint in a file called [solution name].slconfig

Differences between issues reported in the IDE vs issues reported in SonarQube/SonarCloud

The goal is to have the same issues reported in the IDE as are reported to the server during an analysis run. However, there are a number of reasons why a set of issues can be different: some technical, some bugs, or some work that just hasn't been done yet. See ticket #1336 for a summary of the known issues and their current status.