Release notes - SonarIac - 1.21
SONARIAC-1103 `ArgumentSplitter` shouldn't split command by separator inside quotes
SONARIAC-1105 Dockerfile as a symbol link in a repository should not cause IllegalStateException
SONARIAC-1097 S6597 should not raise an issue when using HEREDOC
SONARIAC-1106 S6500 should not raise an issue when `--no-install-recommends` option is after the `install` command
SONARIAC-1118 S6470 should not raise an issue when COPY Instruction contains HereDoc
False Negative
SONARIAC-771 S6505 should raise an issue for standalone yarn commands
SONARIAC-1092 S6506 should raise an issue if sensitive https request is encapsulated in quotes
New Feature
SONARIAC-583 S6437: RUN instructions containing hardcoded secrets
SONARIAC-720 S6570: Detect missing double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
SONARIAC-721 S6574: A space before the equal sign in key-value pair may lead to unintended behavior
SONARIAC-728 S6579: Access variable which is not available in the current scope
SONARIAC-729 S6573: Expanded filenames should not become options
SONARIAC-730 S6581: Environment variables should not be unset on a different layer than they were set
SONARIAC-732 S6584: Consent flag should be set to avoid manual input
SONARIAC-733 S6586: Deprecated instruction should not be used
SONARIAC-736 S6587: Cache should be cleaned after package installation
SONARIAC-740 S6595: Update cache and install packages in single RUN instruction
SONARIAC-741 S6589: Dockerfile should only have one ENTRYPOINT and CMD instruction
SONARIAC-744 S6596: Specific version tag for image should be used
SONARIAC-747 S6597: WORKDIR instruction should be used instead of cd command
SONARIAC-1069 Allow users to define their own Dockerfile pattern
SONARIAC-1075 Remove S6497 from SonarWay
SONARIAC-1079 `ArgumentDetector` should be able to separate different commands of a single instruction