Release notes - SonarIac - 1.13
SONARIAC-632 Global ARG variable should be accessible to any FROM instruction
SONARIAC-635 Invalid textrange for heredoc argument
SONARIAC-440 [CF, TF] FP on rule S6304: "Granting access to all resources" should not be raised on actions without resource-level permissions
New Feature
SONARIAC-560 Rule S6500: Installing unnecessary packages is security-sensitive
SONARIAC-564 Rule S6474: Sharing the host’s network namespace is security-sensitive
SONARIAC-567 Rule S6497: Using a container image based on its digest is security-sensitive
SONARIAC-569 Rule S6502: Disabling builder sandboxes is security-sensitive
SONARIAC-570 Rule S2612: Dangerous chmod options on COPY, ADD and RUN instructions
SONARIAC-577 Rule S6472: Add ARG secret handling detection
SONARIAC-617 Track ENV arguments similar to ARG arguments when resolving variables
SONARIAC-618 Rule S1135: Track uses of "TODO" tags in comments
False Negative
SONARIAC-438 S6303: Support all kinds of DB resource in Terraform for AWS
SONARIAC-473 S6303: Update message to target the resource type
SONARIAC-516 S6470: Improve the message of to make the issue clearer
SONARIAC-520 S6258: Incorrect path of code for Azure
SONARIAC-566 Rule S4507: Delivering code in production with debug features activated is security-sensitive
SONARIAC-622 Rework Log Message of Parsing Error
SONARIAC-631 Improve ArgumentResultions to provide valuable data
SONARIAC-641 Clean DockerLexicalGrammar