Check that a given container contains/doesn't contain files that were updated in the last X days
You should have Node.js > 7.8 installed.
$ npm install
$ node index.js [Options]
- -c, --container=STRING The name of the azure container
- -s, --storageAccount=STRING The name of the storage account
- -t, --token=STRING SAS token
- -p, --filePrefix=STRING Blobs prefix
- -d, --daysBack Days back to check
- -w, --warningCount Warning count
- -x, --criticalCount Critical count
- -h, --help display this help
azure-blob-storage/index.js '-c' 'container-name' '-s' 'storage-account' '-t' '?sv=k2192jf90qjwfi0q' -p 'blob-name-prefix' -d '1' -x '1' -w '2'