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Releases: Sollace/Psychedelicraft

1.8.0 (BETA8) for Minecraft 1.21/1.21.1

03 Mar 21:24
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This is an updated BETA for the next version of Psychedelicraft!

For the full list of changes since 1.7.5, check the release notes here

Changes in this version since the last beta:


  • Update polish translations
  • Updated yarn mappings to fix an issue when combining with mojmapped projects
  • Slightly decreased juniper tree spawn rate

1.8.0 (BETA7) for Minecraft 1.21/1.21.1

14 Feb 23:18
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This is an updated BETA for the next version of Psychedelicraft!

For the full list of changes since 1.7.5, check the release notes here

Changes in this version since the last beta:


  • Increased spawn rate for juniper trees

  • Added biome tags psychedelicraft:has_belladonna, psychedelicraft:has_dense_juniper_trees, psychedelicraft:has_jimsonweed, psychedelicraft:has_morning_glory, psychedelicraft:has_peyote, psychedelicraft:has_sparse_juniper_trees, psychedelicraft:has_tomatoes

  • The biomes where other plants can be found are also now controlled by their own biome tags. A wiki page was made for tomatoes. Others are forthcoming but for now the deets are:

    Tomatoes: #minecraft:is_forest
    Peyote: #minecraft:is_savanna, #minecraft:is_badlands, #minecraft:has_structure/desert_pyramid (basically deserts)
    Morning Glory: flower_forest, sunflower_plains, meadow, lush_caves
    Jimsonweed: jungle, bamboo_jungle, sparse_jungle
    Belladonna: dark_forest, flower_forest

    Tobacco, Hop, Cannabis, Coffea, Coca: All Cold biomes, #minecraft:is_hills, #minecraft:is_forest, or plains

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed players not taking damage
  • Fixed damage reduction from taking morphine

1.8.0 (BETA6) for Minecraft 1.21/1.21.1

10 Feb 21:59
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This is an updated BETA for the next version of Psychedelicraft!

For the full list of changes since 1.7.5, check the release notes here

Changes in this version since the last beta:


  • Finalised the glass tube models, hitboxes
  • Added the pacifier
  • Updated the creative inventory to include more fluids that were previously unavailable
  • Started migrating to datagen for resource pack files
    • fixed missing texture for lava syringes
    • fixed syring texture overlay removing its stripes
    • fixed bottle rack appearing slightly too large in the inventory
    • fixed coffea not displaying all of its growth stages
    • fixed syntax in many blockstate definitions
    • fixed cigars, cigarettes, joints not using their "in use" textures
  • Added another visual stage to indicate how full a paper bag is
  • Added a particle effect when using the bong
  • Molotov cocktails are now called "Lavatov Cocktails" and will leave a block of lava where they land, or will fill a cauldron they hit with lava
  • Updated vat model and collision boxes


  • Added a separate creative tab for chemistry-related items and blocks
  • Added recipes for the glass tube and tray
  • Added flammable gas, petroleum, and gasoline
  • Added broken glass
  • Crystal meth, Extacy, Heroine Powder, Crack Cocaine, Morphine Tablet are now obtainable through the creative inventory
  • Added unique effects for LSD
  • Added unique effects for Morphine
  • Fixed damage suppression side-effect


Creating fluids in the crafting table no longer requires a bucket of water. Instead you should fill the syringe, cup, etc that you normally use with water.



Receptical types recap (will be added to the wiki, bug me if I forget)

When crafting fluids in the crafting table, you have to use a container that suitable for that clas of fluid. Drugs go with things that are used to carry drugs, drinks go with things you drink out of, and coffee goes with cups.

Alcoholic drinks have a matching receptical type, but since they are crafted using the vat, they do not have crafting table recipes.

Type Items Fluids Craftable With
Drinkable (Any temperature) Shot glass, chalice, mug, bowl, or any large or small bottle agave juice, cannabis tea, coca tea, peyote juice
Drinkable (Hot drinks only) cup Coffee
Drugs syringe, small glass bottles bath salts, caffiene, cocaine
Drinkable (Alcoholic) Shot glass, chalice, mug, bowl, any large or small bottle


  • Pipes can now transfer more than one fluid at a time, and transferred fluids now have a temperature
  • You can now use a stick to reverse the direction of a pipe without having to pick it up again

Bunsen Burner

  • Bunsen burners are now used to obtain extracts and synthesize concentrates
  • Glass bottles placed on the bunsen burner now display their contents visually


  • You can now rotate barrels with a stick

Bottle Racks

  • You can now place bottle racks against walls

All contraptions

  • All contraptions (vat, bunsen burner, barrel, flask, distiller) now have a tooltip display showing their fill percentage, current process (what they're doing) and the progress
  • Many contraptions now output a weak redstone signal, and comparator signal out of their sides to indicat their progress and fill percentage

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bugs with glass tube placements
  • Fixed custom fluid textures
  • Fixed fluid transparency
  • Fixed effects being applied globally to all players #60
  • Fixed fluids not getting random block ticks
  • Fixed negative counters for fluid processes
  • Fixed pouring recipe matching on inputs that produce an empty container
  • Fixed moving fluids between regular and vanilla fluid containers creating vanilla contents that have fluid mistmaching their appearance
  • Fixed paper bags not displaying their tooltips
  • Fixed glass bottle and bowl textures
  • Fixed dispensers deleting the paper bag when dispensing
  • Fixed collision boxes for fluids in vats not matching up to their visual appearance
  • Fixed bunsen burners not turning on when placed on a power source
  • Fixed item duplication when pouring fluids in the crafting table
  • Fixed bunsen burner corrupting/duplicating items when interacting with it in survival mode
  • Fixed conversion errors when converting an item from a psychedelicraft:filled_glass_bottle to a minecraft:glass_bottle and back
  • Fixed interacting with vats on the side not working correctly
  • Fixed distiller producing particles and sounds when it's not actually doing anything
  • Fixed non-alcoholic fluids not showing a status in contraption guis
  • Fixed red and brown shroom effects being too strong/not accurate
  • Fixed clear fluids appearing totally invisible
  • Fixed obsidian bottle recipe not working with a partial water bucket (eg. psychedelicraft:filled_bucket with water)

1.8.0 (BETA5) for Minecraft 1.21/1.21.1

23 Nov 00:24
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This is an updated BETA for the next version of Psychedelicraft!

For the full list of changes since 1.7.5, check the release notes here

Changes in this version since the last beta:

  • No longer depends on emi textures to display parts of recipe UIs
  • Updated the TLA version to fix several issues
  • Fixed vanilla loot table additions
  • Added missing translation keys for item tags
  • Fixed lattices not dropping items when sheared
  • Fixed mashing recipes and changed recipe json syntax to make it clearer what the inputs needed are
  • Fixed underwater distortion config is inverted
  • Fixed cauldron interactions (still cannot use bottles with lava cauldrons though!)
  • Added proper item textures for items with lava in them
  • The molotov cocktail will now spill its contents when thrown with lava inside of it
  • Crafting recipes for fluids no longer require a bucket of lava (put the water in the cup/mug/etc instead!)
  • Fixed fluid crafting recipes

1.8.0 (BETA4) for Minecraft 1.21/1.21.1

09 Sep 22:52
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This is an updated BETA for the next version of Psychedelicraft!

For the full list of changes since 1.7.5, check the release notes here

Changes in this version since the last beta:

  • Fixed a crash when spawning a hallucination
  • Updated fabwork to version 1.3.1 (fixes multiplayer crashes)
  • Fixed various logged error messages
  • Fixed crash when placing bottles onto the bunsen burner
  • Changed the appearances of fluids rendered inside of contraptions
  • Added proper collission boxes for the bunsen burner when there is a bottle on it
  • Fixed various difficulties when placing pipes

1.8.0 (BETA) for Minecraft 1.21/1.21.1

17 Aug 14:46
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SINCE I do not currently have the time to focus on finishing the updates (specifically in relation to the chemistry update), I figured I would go ahead and release what I have as a beta.

Consider this as a test build! I have no doubt there are going to be some new bugs, so make sure to back up your world before loading it. Also the bunsen burner and piping is (mostly) done, but not fully complete. You can them in creative to make the new fluids and morning glory/jimsonweed extracts but the functionality to turn those into new items is #NotYetImplemented so it's best to just treat it as a prop for now.

Also don't leave empty bottles on a hot bunsen burner for too long. They might pop, and the last time they did that bad things happened.


  • Updated to 1.21+
  • Chat distortions can now be localized @Blayung
  • Added polish translation by @Blayung
  • Remove redundant tomato juice recipe
  • Add recipes for belladonna extract and jimsonweed extract
  • Added a sound cue when a drying table is working
  • Changed fluid processing requirements:
    • Distillation now requires a fluid to be fermented at least once (changed from exactly 2)
    • Distillation requires the fluid to be unmatured
    • Maturation now requires the fluid to be fermented at least once (changed from exactly 2)
  • Contraptions now provided visual feedback on what is required for it to work
  • The distillery will now show an indicator when it is missing a flask
  • You can now speed up the distilling process by placing it over fire/campfire (good) or lava (best)
  • Updated filled bucket texture to be on par with vanilla
  • You can now use bonemeal directly on the morning glory to make it grow faster


  • Alcohol now causes the player orientation to change again and scales with the player speed making sprinting harder than walking or sneaking
  • Updated and polished LSD effects
  • Colour transitions are now interpolated
  • The terrain, sky, and clouds can now have different colours from each other
  • Added more variations of surface fractals (texture overlays)


  • Placed fluids no longer create infinite sources
  • Drip particles now have the corresponding colours for the fluid that generated them
  • (Fermented) Alcoholic fluids and ethanol placed in the world will slowly produce fumes that will get nearby players drunk
  • Add distinct names for the different fermentation levels of agave

Vat Changes

  • You can now add items to the vat by dropping them
  • The vat no longer fails a craft when there are extra items. Instead any surplus items are returned to the player upon crafting
  • You can now insert or extract fluid from a vat by interacting (right-clicking) it with any vessel
  • You can no longer bucket place with a bucket that's only half full

Drying Table changes

  • Drying speed now varies per item
  • The drying table now provides more detailed feedback in the gui as to how long it will take to dry an item
  • Recipe viewers can now show the time it will take to dry a particular recipe
  • Drying table no longer starts and stops rapidly when left out in the rain
  • Drying table sun strength is now updated more frequently


  • Added sound effect for using a syringe
  • Syringes now function as weapons and will inject their contents into other players or mobs when striking them

Technical changes

  • Rift fraction, Item fluids, and paper bag contents now all have their own components


  • Removed the gui blur and related options (now part of vanilla)
  • Improved shader compatibility with AMD video cards

Mod Compatibility

  • Shader effects now work with Sodium and Iris
  • Added support for REI, JEI, and improved EMI support via TLA

WIP Chemistry Update

These are features that are still a work in progress, and shouldn't be considered as complete yet!

  • Implemented the bunsen burner functionality
  • Added glass tubing
  • Add morphine,

Bugs Squashed

  • Fixed fluid conversion recipes not displaying correctly for a clicked item
  • Fixed texture alignment in the vat screen
  • Fixed distillery not connecting to vats
  • Fixed distillery fermenting their contents
  • Fixed recipe ingredients and outputs showing as empty containers in the regular crafting book
  • Fixed receptical duplication in recipes during serialization
  • Fixed drying tables drying too quickly
  • Fixed items not retaining their fluids when displayed in EMI
  • Fixed some full <-> empty item conversions not working (especially in cases where mods register their own version of items we add)
  • Fixed pouring recipe
  • Fixed conflict between the pouring recipe and other recipes
  • Fixed duplication glitch when drying
  • Fixed hoppers unable to insert or remove items from drying tables
  • Fixed some instances of the screen turning black when stacking shader effects together with vanilla and screen effects
  • Fixed vats sending water buckets' water to the shadow realm
  • Fixed chemical extract fluids not applying their full effects scaled to number of distillations
  • Fixed warmth from coffee not scaling with the drink's temperature
  • Fixed cold coffee not appearing in the creative inventory
  • Fixed unable to heat coffee in the furnace
  • Fixed z-fighting on the stone cup texture
  • Fixed graphical glitches when reloading client resources
  • Fixed incorrect tag name for wooden fence gates
  • Fixed crash when spawning a hallucination
  • Fixed placed drinks not dropping their items when broken
  • Fixed not being able to produce vinegars
  • Fixed fluids losing other attributes when acetifying making ketchup unobtainable
  • Fixed bottles losing their colour and contents when converting into molotov cocktails
  • Fixed using bonemeal on tall crops not propagating through its height fully
  • Fixed unable to drink from chalices and shot glasses
  • Fixed crash when rendering fluids

1.7.5 for Minecraft 1.20.1

12 Jan 14:31
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1.7.5 for Minecraft 1.20.3 - 1.20.4

30 Dec 13:39
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  • Updated to 1.20.4
  • Added EMI support for most recipes and fluid conversions
  • Removed a redundant (non-functioning) tomato juice recipe
  • Added recipes for creating belladona and jimsonweed extract
  • Fixed z-fighting on the rift jar model
  • Fixed rift jar orientation being wrong when placed down
  • Fixed knot appearing on the wrong side of the rift jar's model
  • Fixed contents bleeding out of the rift jar's model when full
  • Added sound effects when opening, closing, and toggling a rift jar

1.7.5 for Minecraft 1.20.2

30 Dec 13:37
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  • Added EMI support for most recipes and fluid conversions
  • Removed a redundant (non-functioning) tomato juice recipe
  • Added recipes for creating belladona and jimsonweed extract
  • Fixed z-fighting on the rift jar model
  • Fixed rift jar orientation being wrong when placed down
  • Fixed knot appearing on the wrong side of the rift jar's model
  • Fixed contents bleeding out of the rift jar's model when full
  • Added sound effects when opening, closing, and toggling a rift jar

1.7.4 for Minecraft 1.20.2

26 Nov 19:00
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  • Nothing of note, I swear

Bugs Drank

  • Fixed crafting recipe for the chemical extract fluids