oasis-node control status
to get information like the following (example taken from a runtime compute node):
"software_version": "20.10",
"identity": {
"node": "kO/mEZfAnnRnGqpA5JqlZLaIf+bMTIZAriivJdWSTco=",
"p2p": "EwriyXpMKatrC1X2Z+KsDRkdu0NXWV4/25TRSa59z8o=",
"consensus": "4AaxFrlyZwQhGmk58+Up/gDg5eY1mwJpFEE9WXulg9Q=",
"tls": [
"consensus": {
"consensus_version": "1.0.0",
"backend": "tendermint",
"features": 3,
"node_peers": [
"latest_height": 185,
"latest_hash": "N6dmMPB2A+n4EkCv684TAtARRGrxcobouHfq1daXoBk=",
"latest_time": "2020-09-08T11:18:54+02:00",
"latest_state_root": {
"version": 184,
"hash": "ITfGAos0wY40Y1qmf7vr7f2jvA+cMRPswql3RqhTyDc="
"genesis_height": 1,
"genesis_hash": "fYbBfC987n0RXS1TsicvCVViOWjBe/9gwyEW6kTev/c=",
"is_validator": false
"runtimes": {
"descriptor": {
"v": 1,
"entity_id": "TqUyj5Q+9vZtqu10yw6Zw7HEX3Ywe0JQA9vHyzY47TU=",
"genesis": {
"state_root": "xnK40e9W7Sirh8NiLFEUBpvdOte4+XN0mNDAHs7wlno=",
"state": null,
"storage_receipts": null,
"round": 0
"kind": 1,
"tee_hardware": 0,
"versions": {
"version": {}
"key_manager": "wAAAAAAAAAD///////////////////////////////8=",
"executor": {
"group_size": 2,
"group_backup_size": 1,
"allowed_stragglers": 0,
"round_timeout": 20
"txn_scheduler": {
"algorithm": "simple",
"batch_flush_timeout": 20000000000,
"max_batch_size": 1,
"max_batch_size_bytes": 16777216,
"propose_batch_timeout": 20
"storage": {
"group_size": 1,
"min_write_replication": 1,
"max_apply_write_log_entries": 100000,
"max_apply_ops": 2,
"checkpoint_interval": 0,
"checkpoint_num_kept": 0,
"checkpoint_chunk_size": 0
"admission_policy": {
"any_node": {}
"staking": {}
"latest_round": 5,
"latest_hash": "3chaVOZUeJwPBZNbFUh622STrvtrEVlIee7unu/S880=",
"latest_time": 1599556729,
"latest_state_root": {
"version": 5,
"hash": "xnK40e9W7Sirh8NiLFEUBpvdOte4+XN0mNDAHs7wlno="
"genesis_round": 0,
"genesis_hash": "T4zq6ris0pGNvkgfhGmPnnDMzbMo+8rUPhfxbyAZ2tg=",
"committee": {
"latest_round": 5,
"latest_height": 180,
"last_committee_update_height": 180,
"executor_role": "worker",
"storage_role": "invalid",
"is_txn_scheduler": true,
"peers": [
"storage": null
"registration": {
"last_registration": "2020-09-08T11:18:51+02:00",
"descriptor": {
"v": 1,
"id": "kO/mEZfAnnRnGqpA5JqlZLaIf+bMTIZAriivJdWSTco=",
"entity_id": "wmYfQjpQHaOj9SSmWL/oYx1kHnatBI9so+eH33E0qig=",
"expiration": 8,
"tls": {
"pub_key": "1ZWRWMA/gx0nfGH6xJNKAlYUPaGkBz2LxTe552bCO68=",
"next_pub_key": "XGOH0m3CQVSG1J9AFxefgSWF+YP6eRnxmjM5zmj2gLs=",
"addresses": [
"p2p": {
"id": "EwriyXpMKatrC1X2Z+KsDRkdu0NXWV4/25TRSa59z8o=",
"addresses": [
"consensus": {
"id": "4AaxFrlyZwQhGmk58+Up/gDg5eY1mwJpFEE9WXulg9Q=",
"addresses": null
"runtimes": [
"version": {
"minor": 3
"capabilities": {},
"extra_info": null
"roles": 1
To check if a given genesis file is valid, run:
oasis-node genesis check --genesis.file /path/to/genesis.json
{% hint style="info" %} This also checks if the genesis file is in the canonical form. {% endhint %}
To dump the state of the network at a specific block height, e.g. 717600, to a genesis file, run:
oasis-node genesis dump \
--address unix:/path/to/node/internal.sock \
--genesis.file /path/to/genesis_dump.json \
--height 717600
{% hint style="warning" %} You must only run the following command after the given block height has been reached on the network. {% endhint %}
To initialize a new genesis file with the given chain id and staking token symbol, run:
oasis-node genesis init --genesis.file /path/to/genesis.json \ "name-of-my-network" \
--staking.token_symbol TEST
{% hint style="info" %} You can set a lot of parameters for the various consensus layer services.
To see the full list, run:
oasis-node genesis init --help
{% endhint %}
oasis-node stake account info \
--stake.account.address <account address> \
--address unix:/path/to/node/internal.sock
to get staking information for a specific account:
General Account:
Balance: TEST 0.0
Nonce: 0
Escrow Account:
Balance: TEST 0.0
Total Shares: 0
Balance: TEST 0.0
Total Shares: 0
Commission Schedule:
Rates: (none)
Rate Bounds: (none)
Stake Accumulator:
- Name: registry.RegisterEntity
Staking Thresholds:
- Global: entity
- Name: registry.RegisterNode.LQu4ZtFg8OJ0MC4M4QMeUR7Is6Xt4A/CW+PK/7TPiH0=
Staking Thresholds:
- Global: node-validator
oasis-node stake pubkey2address --public_key <public_key>
to get staking account address from an entity or node public key. Example response: