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+# Get VXMusic
+[Download the Installer!](https://github.com/Soapwood/VXMusic/latest)
+VXMusic will check for new releases via the auto updater.
+Use the auto updater to check out Nightly builds!
+## License
+**VXMusic** is protected under the **Mozilla Public License Version 2.0**.
+_Okay... so what does this actually mean?_
+You are free to fork and change VXMusic as you wish - the source code for VXMusic is open and freely distributed.
+However, the MPL 2.0 license does not grant you any rights to use the Virtual Xtensions/VXMusic name, logos, or trademark branding.
+If you distribute your changes, you must share your modified source code. This ensures that others can benefit from your improvements.
+## Special Thanks
+Special thanks to the testing team and early adopters. Your feedback has been immeasurable. <3
+# Made in 🇮🇪