This Demo platformio project shows how to add an I2C controller and an I2C sensor to a STM32F4 discovery platform, and how to read data from the sensor from your C code.
As framework we are using the STM32CUBE, with the F4 HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer).
The sensor used is the SI7021 which is already modelled in renode.
As driver, we are using which uses the HAL to perform the I2C operations.
The project is already configured for usage, it should be a matter of clicking the upload icon in your IDE of choice.
You should see the USART2 analyzer with the measurements of humidity and temperature every 2 seconds (approximate, as time in simulation is not the same as real time).
To change the values of the environment you can use the setter of the temperature and humidity properties of the sensor model:
i2c1.sensor_si7021 Temperature 10
i2c1.sensor_si7021 Humidity 10
A very simple script is provided, that increases temperature and humidity over a period of 25 seconds.
On the analyzer you should see the values "measured" by the sensor.
Keep in mind:
There can be some discrepancies, as some conversions are performed when setting (in the .cs model) and reading (in the driver), so some precision is lost.
The temperature in the analyzer is shown multiplied by 100 (done by the driver).