SnowCrash DAO official token.
Name: SnowCrash Token
Symbol: Nora
Total Supply: 102,400,000 Nora
Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Contract: 0x1f39dd2bf5a27e2d4ed691dcf933077371777cb0
Name: Pushinka Doge Token
Symbol: PushDoge
Total Supply: 3,844,000,000,000 PushDoge
Network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Contract: 0x75c7651ecdabbea371109f999e57711540f0ec27
This list contains all the tokens in the SnowCrash DAO ecosystem (including all virtual company tokens in the MetaVoxel world). You can copy the URL below to import this list anywhere Token Lists are supported.