Feather&Ink is a visualization tool for your pen&paper character in the world of Aborea. It uses a stack of React.js, Electron and SQLite 3.0.
Feather&Ink provides the following features:
- Support for multiple characters
- Characters geting saved locally
- Stats are getting set automatically
You can get started with Feather&Ink by downloading the corresponding app from the release.
Alternatively you can set up a local development environment.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:
Feather&Ink is using a monorepo with multiple packages. To initialize all the packages on a local development environment
- Execute the following commands in the project root folder:
yarn install
This will install all the required dependencies.
- Run the development command to start the app:
yarn run dev
Feather&Ink is currently in its version 0.1.0-alpha, so it's currently under active development. There are a lot of features, that are missing or aren't fully implemented. We are currently trying to fix those issues as soon as possible.
If you see an error message or run into an issue, please create bug report. This effort is valued and helps all Feather&Ink users.
If you have an idea, or you're missing a capability that would make development easier and more robust, please Submit feature request.
If a similar feature request already exists, don't forget to leave a "+1". If you add some more information such as your thoughts and vision about the feature, your comments will be embraced warmly :)
Feather&Ink is an open-source project. We are committed to a fully transparent development process and appreciate highly any contributions. Whether you are helping us fix bugs, proposing new features, improving our documentation or spreading the word - we would love to have you as part of the Feather&Ink community.