Releases: Sn8z/Poddr
Poddr 2.0.0 is finally here and with it comes a lot of new stuff!
TL;DR Poddr just got a HUGE update, updated look, updates under the hood and more new features!
Poddr is getting a major overhaul!
There are a lot of work behind this update but with a lot of new changes comes a lot of new things and scenarios to test out so if you encounter any issues feel free to open an issue in the repository.
Poddr is free and will remain free to use but I've invested a lot of time into this so if you appreciate the work I do you can make a monetary donation to support the continued development of Poddr. There are several ways to do this and they are explained in the README of this repository.
So without further ado let's move on to the actual changes!
- Poddr is now ported from AngularJS to Angular 8 & Typescript! This means greater performance, better maintainability, minified production builds and more!
- The whole codebase is more or less refactored to improve performance, reliability, logging, readability and structure.
- Poddr is now mainly built by Flexbox and custom CSS classes to reduce the need for 3rd party frameworks.
- I aim to use as much CSS3 & HTML5 (for layout/animations etc.) as possible to improve performance, in the process of doing this I ended up writing my own package for pure CSS tooltips with support for CSS custom properties (it's called Pop-Pop.css, check it out!).
- The amount of design changes are too many to mention so I'll just say that most things are changed but you will recognize Poddr 😄
- Poddr now remembers your navigation in the app so you can utilize your mousebuttons or the newly added buttons in the titlebar to move forwards and backwards.
- Podcasts now has a dedicated page instead of the old side menu that slid in.
- There are now support for different themes! You will still be able to choose your own primary color and then there are a couple of themes you can try out (default is the dark theme ofc 💃). There will be more themes added in the future and if you become a top donor of mine you will be able to make your own theme together with me which will be bundled with Poddr for everyone to see and use!
- The font is changed to Nunito Sans.
- All icons are now SVGs instead of a webfont.
- Improved responsiveness of different pages and layouts (Podcast grids now looks good even on a 4k screen!).
- Poddr now remembers where you were in a currently playing podcast when you exit Poddr.
- There's finally an early version of offline functionality! This is subject to change and I'm listening to all of your suggestions on this matter. At this moment Poddr downloads the podcast file to a folder named Poddr in your Downloads folder. Poddr also stores a reference to this location together with title and author of the podcast. You can find all of your downloaded episodes on the favourites page. At the moment Poddr doesn't download the associated podcast cover so it will use the default Poddr cover instead.
- There's now also a .deb file for Linux users who prefers that over snaps & appimages.
- If you are upgrading from a version of Poddr that is earlier than 1.1.0 and you want to keep your settings you have to install 1.1.0 first and run it once. This will migrate your old settings to the new format that is used by Poddr 1.1.0+.
- The .AppImage no longer asks for desktop integration since electron-builder decided to no longer support this. To integrate it you can either use appimaged or AppImageLauncher, you can also create your own .desktop file.
This last year have been challenging in a lot of different ways but I'm really happy to be able to say that 2.0.0 is here 🕺
Thanks for using Poddr!
// Marcus "Sn8z" Sneitz
This update brings a lot of changes, both visible and hidden ones! 💃
I'm happy and thankful that we've reached a 1.1.0 release, thanks to everyone who uses Poddr and gives feedback, it means a lot 😃
Release notes:
- New logo! (Thanks to Radu Dan)
- Poddr now uses FontAwesome!
- Updated episode sidebar.
- You can now mark/unmark an episode as played.
- Added grid/list toggle to toplists.
- Updated search page layout.
- Changed how and what is stored when saving a favourite.
-- Added code to move your old favourites and settings to the new format, this will create a number of message dialogs on first startup indicating that Poddr is adding your old favourites. - You can now manually add podcast RSS feeds to your favourites.
- Updated settings page.
- Replaced the old color picker with Pickr that looks the same on all platforms.
- Improved UI responsiveness.
- Improved UI feedback.
- Added more and better logging.
- Added the possibility to launch Poddr with flags.
- Improved MPRIS integration.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor visual changes.
There have been lots of refactoring aswell which might introduce new bugs so if you have any issues feel free to let me know by creating a new issue in this repository.
If you have any other thoughts/wishes/feedback in general feel free to create a new issue aswell :)
If you feel like you want to contribute there's a Ko-Fi page where you can make a donation to support the development of Poddr.
Thanks for using Poddr!
// Sn8z
- Poddr now stores what episodes you have listened to!
An episode is considered played when you have listened to it until the very end. There will be an icon shown to the right of episodes you've already listened to before. - Podcast information now available when hovering the info icon in the toplist.
- Searching will now lazy fetch information about each podcast returned.
- Improved dialog for currently playing episode description.
- New hotkeys set, sorry for any inconvenience this creates. This change was needed since some of the old hotkeys overlapped with some OS shortcuts. The plan is to support customization of hotkeys sometime in the future. To see the new hotkeys head over to the settings page in Poddr.
- Added right-click context menu.
- You can now select text.
- Navigation with keyboard is now possible.
- Fixed a bug where the countries dropdown would sometimes show 2 selected countries instead of 1.
- External API calls that doesn't respond will now timeout after a while.
- Updated dependencies!
- Minor visual fixes & changes.
If you're a snap user simply type:
snap refresh poddr
or wait for it to be automatically updated.
Poddr is an application under constant change so nothing is final, if you feel like something is off or should behave in some other way don't be afraid to create an issue in the repository! I'm open to all kind of ideas :)
Happy podcasting! 💃
- Updated visuals for episode description.
- Basic MPRIS functionality implemented.
- Mediakeys should now properly work in most Linux distros.
- Pressing search in menu now clears and puts search input in focus.
- You can now forward and rewind the currently playing podcast.
- Keybinds for navigating between pages added.
- Poddr now logs errors, for more info read the wiki.
- You can now filter and sort episodes.
- Updated tooltips so they look the same on different platforms.
- Performance improvements.
- Poddr now uses local storefronts info instead of making external API call.
- Visual adjustments.
- Improved shortcuts so they work while having a input focused.
- Poddr now remembers last played podcast on startup.
- Improved favourite buttons.
- Images now fades in with grace after being fully loaded.
- Improved stability
- Added possibility to select your own color for those of you who doesn't appreciate the orange masterrace ^^
- Poddr now fetches higher resolution covers.
- Search input should now get focus upon entering that page.
- Search no longer specifies a certain region and instead searches the complete iTunes catalog.
- Volume slider will now scale properly when resizing window.
- Volume slider should now not keep focus after drag.
- Play button should now not keep focus after being clicked on (which resulted in shortcuts being blocked).
- Improved UI.
- Improved UI
- Improved performance
- Toplists can now be filtered by genre
- Poddr now uses a grid layout instead of a list
- Content should now load properly when no default region is set
- Downloads for Windows (.exe) aswell as Linux (.AppImage) now available!
- Untested version for Mac (.dmg) available.