This project contains the code and instructions (plus links to futher instructions) for creating a real-time audio visualiser.
This is achieved by connecting a RaspberryPi (tested on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+), to a LED Matrix (tested on a 64x32 led display) via a RGB Hat (tested on Adafruit RGB Hat), and have it visualise, in real-time, the sound picked up on a USB microphone (tested on GOBEST USB Microphone). There are currently 3 patterns implemented, but more can be added with relative ease.
The project also contains code for a webapp, allowing users to select patterns, languages (Italian and English, but again more can be added with relative ease), brightness, colours and more! (well not much more... but still!)
- Python - Ver. 3.7.1 (
- Flask - Ver. 1.1.2 (
- Flask-bootstrap - Ver. (
- Watchdog - Ver. 0.10.3 (
- Pillow - Ver. 2.2.2 (
- Numpy - Ver. 1.19.1 (
- PyAudio - Ver. 0.2.11 (
Installation is not necessary, but the following script can act as a set-up script for using the Visualiser webapp on a RaspberryPi:
#If 'COPF' exists copy logs from Visualiser log path to '/boot/Visualiser_Logs/'
if [ -f "$COPF" ]; then
sudo rm -r /boot/Visualiser_Logs/*
sudo cp -Rfa /home/pi/Visualiser/log/. /boot/Visualiser_Logs/
#If 'ZIP' exists containing Visualiser code zip, will move/ unzip it to 'DIRECTORY', overwriting anything there and setting the appropriate permissions
if [ -f "$ZIP" ]; then
if [ -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
sudo rm -rf /home/pi/Visualiser
sudo unzip /boot/ -d /home/pi/
sudo chmod 777 -R /home/pi/Visualiser
sudo rm -f /boot/
#If 'VCONF_S' exists will allow you to provide a config file for the Visualiser without using the webapp (Assuming 'VCONF_D' is a vaild location)
if [ -f "$VCONF_S" ]; then
if [ -d "$VCONF_D" ]; then
sudo mv -f /boot/config.txt /home/pi/Visualiser/config/
exit 0
If updating RaspberryPi from 2.7 to 3.7.1, the following may be necessary:
- Remove Python 2.x:
cd /etc sudo apt-get remove python2.7 sudo apt-get autoremove
- Install libffi-dev:
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
- Install pip:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
- Update RaspberryPi '~/.bashrc' with:
alias python='/usr/local/bin/python3'
Automatic script start from boot on a RaspberryPi can be achieved by appending the following to the '/etc/rc.local' file:
sh /home/pi/ cd /home/pi/Visualiser/webapp python "$_IP" & cd /home/pi/Visualiser/display/control python &
- Python - Ver. 3.7.1 (
- Flask - Ver. 1.1.2 (
- Flask-bootstrap - Ver. (
Includes and modifies 'Flask-Colorpicker' - Ver. 0.9 ( to allow custom assignment of picker's 'cancel' and 'choose' buttons.
Config file format is as follow:
{"colour": "rgb([0-255], [0-255], [0-255])", "brightness": "[1-100]", "pattern_type": "[1/2/3]", "ip": "[IP ADDRESS]", "lang": "[en/it]"}
- Python - Ver. 3.7.1 (
- Watchdog - Ver. 0.10.3 (
- Pillow - Ver. 2.2.2 (
- Numpy - Ver. 1.19.1 (
- PyAudio - Ver. 0.2.11 (
Installation of PyAudio can be tricky, I found this to be helpful:
Installation process of RGB Matrix HAT, and corresponding C++ libraries for functionality found at:
Processing of audio HEAVLY based on the work by Thomas Kou and Hansson Lin (
RGB display code HEAVLY based on the work by hzeller (
I ran out of time/ patience a bit, so there are hacks here and there. For example, the audio spectrum code only supports seperating the data into a maximum of 16 "segments".