Logging library. Makes logs pretty, standard, project-agnostic. Provides utilities for logging locally, externall, via webhooks, etc.
ty JJ 🥰
New idea is to make the library called console.mog. Wojack puns ensue.
- Virgin console.log (lame, old, gross) vs chad console.mog (modern, owesome, gorgeous)
- Tired of boring old console.logs? Time to looksmaxx your console.
This current approach is not maintainable, so a rewrite will be necessary. Basic features:
class. Just means that it has the ability to make new Log
s with the console.log
API + has power loggers.
Basic Log
class. Holds the recursion logic, but isn't stored in virtual dom, probably?
extends BasicLog
class. Can be a power logger. Has an optional parent
field and children
field. Every log has a uid, stores itself in virtual dom as side effect.
- get siblings() returns parent.children.
- isSibling(): boolean returns parent.children.length.
React component. Recursive component that renders out Log
Virtual DOM
Basically just a big object stored in @preact/signal
state probably. Unsure how rendering will work in the non-ink environment. I'll probably just do away with PowerLog features and just create siblings / children.
- Utility function that can be called to override console.log + provide typing
- Exports default instance of Thoth as default, but can be Instantiated as well.
logs (api?thoth.hanging(options).log()
?). Uses ORA to make spinner, can be resolved, timed out, failed, warned, etc.- Project-level prefix, (config.thoth.ts?), Iliad prefix ◭, timestamp w. formats.
- Thoth extends event emitter, allowing for side-effects (?)
- Add ability to provide text snippets / internationalisation. Autocomplete possible.
- Possible add ability to provide markup/down tags?
etc could be useful.
import thoth from '@iliad.dev/thoth`;
// IDEA: Normal api .log, .warn, .error, etc.
// Power API: $log, $warn, $error
// Hanging log API?
const i_log = thoth.$log("Waiting for thing").stamp(); // Outputs loading spinner, creates timestamp.
// const {data, error} = await thing();
if(error !== undefined) i_log.fail("Thing failed!") // Fail emoji...
if(true) {
i_log.$succeed((details: DetailsAboutEvent)=> {
return `Event concluded in ${details.totalTime}`
} else {
i_log.resolve("Event concluded, but we don't know how long it took :/")
- What the heck are logging levels?
- How am I going to handle subprocesses? Can I take the algorithm from