This is the main repository for the Smart Van for Android Mobile App and
it's part of the Smart Van Project.
It's based on Android Studio's
project, so you can use it to edit those sources.
SV Mobile App
Dist Name: Smart Van
Dist Artifact: SVMobileApp
Dist Version: 1.0.0
JSL Android
Artifact Name: jospJSL4Android
Artifact Group: com.robypomper.josp
Artifact Version: 2.2.4-DEV (release SV: 1.0.0)
This project is part of the Smart Van Project, and it's published under an Open Source licence to allow the community to contribute to the project.
If you want to contribute to the project, you can start by reading the Contribution Guidelines page. Otherwise, you can clone current repository and start to customize your own JOD Smart Van distribution. Check out the project's structure and 'how to work on it', on the Development page.