POST /register/student/verify-email
Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com" }
{ "message": "Registration OTP sent to email" }
POST /register/student/verify-otp
Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com", "otp": "123456" }
{ "message": "OTP verified", "token": "jwt-token for student registration" }
POST /register/student
Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com", "password": "password", "name": "John Doe", "rollNo": "123456", "batch": "N9", "class": "TE09", "year": 3, "mobile": "1234567890", "abcId": "I2K21103412", "token": "jwt-token from /register/student/verify-otp" }
{ "message": "Student registered successfully" }
Response headers:
: "jwt-token for student authentication"
POST /register/teacher/verify-email
Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com" }
{ "message": "Registration OTP sent to email" }
POST /register/teacher/verify-otp
Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com", "otp": "123456" }
{ "message": "OTP verified", "token": "jwt-token for teacher registration" }
POST /register/teacher
Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com", "password": "password", "name": "John Doe", "token": "jwt-token from /register/teacher/verify-otp" }
{ "message": "Teacher registered successfully" }
Response headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
POST /register/admin
Request Headers:
: "jwt-token for admin authentication"
Request Body:
{ "email": "admin@mail.com", "password": "password" }
{ "message": "Admin registered successfully" }
DELETE /register/admin
Will delete the admin account.
Request Headers:
: "jwt-token for admin authentication"
Request Body:
{ "email": "admin@mail.com" }
{ "message": "Admin deleted successfully" }
1 POST /login
Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com", "password": "password" }
{ "message": "Logged in successfully", "role": "student/teacher", "user": { "email": "abc@gmail.com", "name": "John Doe", // for teacher "rollNo": "123456" // for student } }
DELETE /login
Will logout the user.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for student/teacher authentication"
POST /login/forgot-password
- Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com" }
- Response:
{ "message": "OTP sent successfully" }
POST /login/verify-otp
- Request Body:
{ "email": "abc@gmail.com", "otp": "123456" }
- Response:
{ "message": "OTP verified", "token": "jwt-token for password reset" }
POST /login/reset-password
- Request Body:
{ "token": "jwt-token from /login/verify-otp", "password": "newpassword" }
- Response:
{ "message": "Password reset successfully" }
POST /fetch/classes
- Will fetch all the classes and batches from google sheets.
POST /fetch/students
- Will fetch all the students from google sheets.
POST /fetch/curriculum
- Will fetch all the curriculum from google sheets.
POST /fetch/attendance
- Will fetch all the attendance from google sheets.
POST /fetch/class_coordinators
- Will fetch all the class coordinators from google sheets.
POST /fetch/mentors
- Will fetch all the mentors from google sheets.
POST /fetch/te_seminars
- Will fetch all the TE seminars from google sheets.
POST /fetch/be_projects
- Will fetch all the BE projects from google sheets.
POST /fetch/honors
- Will fetch all the honors from google sheets.
POST /fetch/all
- Will fetch all the data from google sheets.
POST /submit/classes
Will fetch all the classes and batches from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "classes.xlsx" }
POST /submit/students
Will fetch all the students from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "students.xlsx" }
POST /submit/curriculum
Will fetch all the curriculum from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "curriculum.xlsx" }
POST /submit/attendance
Will fetch all the attendance from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "attendance.xlsx" }
POST /submit/class_coordinators
Will fetch all the class coordinators from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "class_coordinators.xlsx" }
POST /submit/mentors
Will fetch all the mentors from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "mentors.xlsx" }
POST /submit/te_seminars
Will fetch all the TE seminars from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "te_seminars.xlsx" }
POST /submit/be_projects
Will fetch all the BE projects from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "be_projects.xlsx" }
POST /submit/honors
Will fetch all the honors from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "file": "honors.xlsx" }
POST /submit/assignments
Will fetch all the assignments from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "subject": "OOP", "file": "assignments.xlsx" }
POST /submit/utmarks
Will fetch all the unit test marks from excel file.
Request (multipart/form-data):
{ "subject": "OOP", "file": "utmarks.xlsx" }
POST /submit/ticket
WIll update ticket submission details.
Request Body:
{ "academicYear": "2023 - 2024", "semester": "I", "attendanceLabAsst": "Mrs S. L. Rane", "studentAcheivementCommittee": "Sheetal Patil Madam", "attendance": { "minAttendanceRequired": 75, // true : Fully, false : Partially "updateAllData": false // If true, will update all attendance else only for students with attendanceAlternate as false }, "utmarks": { "minUTMarksRequired": 12, // true : Fully, false : Partially "updateAllData": false // If true, will update all UT marks else only for students with ut1Alternate and ut2Alternate as false } }
- Response:
{ "message": "Ticket submission details updated." }
GET /classes
Will fetch all the classes and batches.
{ "2": { "SE09": ["E9", "F9", "G9", "H9"], "SE10": ["E10", "F10", "G10", "H10"], "SE11": ["E11", "F11", "G11", "H11"] }, "3": { "TE09": ["K9", "L9", "M9", "N9"], "TE10": ["K10", "L10", "M10", "N10"], "TE11": ["K11", "L11", "M11", "N11"] }, "4": { "BE09": ["P9", "Q9", "R9", "S9"], "BE10": ["P10", "Q10", "R10", "S10"], "BE11": ["P11", "Q11", "R11", "S11"] } }
GET /classes/subjects
Will fetch all the subjects for a class and batch.
{ "3": { "TE09": { "K9": { "theory": [ { "title": "CNS", "teacher": "vrjaiswal@pict.edu" } ], "practical": [ { "title": "CNSL", "noOfAssignments": 8, "teacher": "psshinde@pict.edu" } ] } } } }
GET /classes/assigned
Will fetch all the batches, classes, mentors, class coordinators assigned to a teacher.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
{ "practicalBatches": [ { "year": 3, "class": "TE09", "batch": "K9", "practical": "CCL" }, { "year": 3, "class": "TE09", "batch": "L9", "practical": "CCL" } ], "theoryClasses": [ { "year": 3, "class": "TE09", "theory": "CC" } ], "mentoringBatches": [ { "year": 3, "class": "TE10", "batch": "N10" } ], "coordinatingClasses": [ { "year": 3, "class": "TE09" } ] }
GET /records
Will fetch all the records for a student.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for student authentication"
GET /records/rollNo/:rollNo
Will fetch all the records for a student with roll number.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
GET /records/batch/:batch
Will fetch all the records for a batch.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
GET /records/class/:class
Will fetch all the records for a class.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
GET /records/batch/:batch/subject/:subject
Will fetch all the records for a batch and subject.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
GET /records/class/:class/subject/:subject
Will fetch all the records for a class and subject.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
GET /records/ticket
Will fetch all the records related to ticket submission.
{ "academicYear": "2023 - 2024", "semester": "I", "attendanceLabAsst": "Mrs S. L. Rane", "studentAcheivementCommittee": "Sheetal Patil Madam", "minUTMarksRequired": 12, "minAttendanceRequired": 75 }
POST /records/update/attendance
Will update attendance for individual student.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
Request Body:
{ "attendance": [ { "rollNo": "123", "attendance": 90, "attendanceAlternate": true }, { "rollNo": "456", "attendance": 88, "attendanceAlternate": true } ] }
- Response:
{ "message": "Attendance updated.", "attendance": [ { "rollNo": "123", "attendance": 90 }, { "rollNo": "456", "attendanceAlternate": true } ] }
POST /records/update/utmarks/:subject
Will update unit test marks for individual student.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
Request Body:
{ "utmarks": [ { "rollNo": "123", "ut1": 23, "ut2": 20, "ut1Alternate": true, "ut2Alternate": true }, { "rollNo": "456", "ut1": 25 }, { "rollNo": "789", "ut1Alternate": true } ] }
- Response:
{ "message": "UT marks updated.", "utmarks": [ { "rollNo": "123", "ut1": 23, "ut2": 20, "ut1Alternate": true, "ut2Alternate": true }, { "rollNo": "456", "ut1": 25, "ut2": 20, "ut1Alternate": true, "ut2Alternate": true }, { "rollNo": "789", "ut1": 20, "ut2": 20, "ut1Alternate": true, "ut2Alternate": true } ] }
POST /records/update/assignments/:subject
Will update assignments for individual student.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for teacher authentication"
Request Body:
{ "assignments": [ { "rollNo": "123", "allCompleted": true }, { "rollNo": "456", "allCompleted": false } ] }
- Response:
{ "message": "Assignments updated.", "assignments": [ { "rollNo": "123", "allCompleted": true }, { "rollNo": "456", "allCompleted": false } ] }
POST /reports/ut
Will generate UT reports.
Request headers:
: "jwt-token for admin authentication"
Request Body:
{ "years": [2, 3, 4] }
- If years is not provided, will generate for all years.
{ "message": "UT reports generated successfully", "sheets": [ { "title": "2023 - 2024 SEM I Unit Test 1 & 2 Reports SE", "link": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1" }, { "title": "2023 - 2024 SEM I Unit Test 1 & 2 Reports TE", "link": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/2" }, { "title": "2023 - 2024 SEM I Unit Test 1 & 2 Reports BE", "link": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/3" } ] }