diff --git a/pages/Addons.md b/pages/Addons.md index ed6604263..5b11ab4f8 100644 --- a/pages/Addons.md +++ b/pages/Addons.md @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ SensibleToolbox (WIP) | desht, TheBusyBiscuit |
expandexpandBrewery is a Bukkit / Spigot plugin for an alternate brewing process, including alcoholic Potions. It allows you to customize recipes, add your own beverages and more. Brewery supports the usage of items from Slimefun and any of its addons (including ExoticGarden) in their recipes.
| [Wiki](https://github.com/DieReicheErethons/Brewery/wiki) | [GitHub](https://github.com/DieReicheErethons/Brewery) | [Releases](https://github.com/DieReicheErethons/Brewery/releases) PlaceholderAPI | extended_clip, Glare |
expandSlimefun adds placeholders that can be used with PlaceholderAPI, you can find more Info on the Wiki link.
| [Wiki](https://github.com/Slimefun/Slimefun4/wiki/PlaceholderAPI) | [GitHub](https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI) | [SpigotMC](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/) WhatIsThis | steve4744 |
expandWhatIsThis is a plugin inspired by the Minecraft mod WAILA, it adds a little info display to give you information about the block you are looking at. Later versions also support this feature for Slimefun blocks.
| N/A | [GitHub](https://github.com/steve4744/WhatIsThis) | [SpigotMC](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/whatisthis-identify-the-block-you-are-looking-at-multi-language-support.65050/) +GSFH | LZ5509 |
expandGSFH is a Slimefun4 and Geyser-Spigot addon with quite simple code to register heads from Slimefun4 to Geyser-Spigot
| [Readme](https://github.com/Hahaa13/Geyser-Slimefun-Heads/blob/master/README.md) | [Github](https://github.com/Hahaa13/Geyser-Slimefun-Heads) | [Releases](https://github.com/Hahaa13/Geyser-Slimefun-Heads/releases) ## :trophy: Addon Jams In 2020 we started hosting our very first "Slimefun Addon Jam" on our discord server.