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Add shooter trajectory optimization example (#576)
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calcmogul authored Jun 28, 2024
1 parent cd3257f commit c19bf61
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227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions examples/FRC2022Shooter/
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@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

FRC 2022 shooter trajectory optimization.
This program finds the optimal initial launch velocity and launch angle for the
2022 FRC game's target.

import math

from jormungandr.autodiff import VariableMatrix
from jormungandr.optimization import OptimizationProblem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

field_width = 8.2296 # 27 ft
field_length = 16.4592 # 54 ft
g = 9.806 # m/s²

def main():
# Robot initial velocity
robot_initial_v_x = 0.2 # ft/s
robot_initial_v_y = -0.2 # ft/s
robot_initial_v_z = 0.0 # ft/s

max_launch_velocity = 10.0

shooter = np.array([[field_length / 4.0], [field_width / 4.0], [1.2]])
shooter_x = shooter[0, 0]
shooter_y = shooter[1, 0]
shooter_z = shooter[2, 0]

target = np.array([[field_length / 2.0], [field_width / 2.0], [2.64]])
target_x = target[0, 0]
target_y = target[1, 0]
target_z = target[2, 0]
target_radius = 0.61

def lerp(a, b, t):
return a + t * (b - a)

problem = OptimizationProblem()

# Set up duration decision variables
N = 10
T = problem.decision_variable()
problem.subject_to(T >= 0)
dt = T / N

# [x position]
# [y position]
# [z position]
# x = [x velocity]
# [y velocity]
# [z velocity]
X = problem.decision_variable(6, N)

p_x = X[0, :]
p_y = X[1, :]
p_z = X[2, :]
v_x = X[3, :] + np.full((1, N), robot_initial_v_x)
v_y = X[4, :] + np.full((1, N), robot_initial_v_y)
v_z = X[5, :] + np.full((1, N), robot_initial_v_z)

# Position initial guess is linear interpolation between start and end position
for k in range(N):
p_x[k].set_value(lerp(shooter_x, target_x, k / N))
p_y[k].set_value(lerp(shooter_y, target_y, k / N))
p_z[k].set_value(lerp(shooter_z, target_z, k / N))

# Velocity initial guess is max launch velocity toward goal
uvec_shooter_to_target = target - shooter
uvec_shooter_to_target /= norm(uvec_shooter_to_target)
for k in range(N):
X[3, k].set_value(max_launch_velocity * uvec_shooter_to_target[0, 0])
X[4, k].set_value(max_launch_velocity * uvec_shooter_to_target[1, 0])
X[5, k].set_value(max_launch_velocity * uvec_shooter_to_target[2, 0])

# Shooter initial position
problem.subject_to(X[:3, 0] == shooter)

# Require initial launch velocity is below max
# √{v_x² + v_y² + v_z²) <= vₘₐₓ
# v_x² + v_y² + v_z² <= vₘₐₓ²
v_x[0] ** 2 + v_y[0] ** 2 + v_z[0] ** 2 <= max_launch_velocity**2

# Require final position is in center of target circle
problem.subject_to(p_x[-1] == target_x)
problem.subject_to(p_y[-1] == target_y)
problem.subject_to(p_z[-1] == target_z)

# Require the final velocity is down
problem.subject_to(v_z[-1] < 0.0)

def f(x):
# x' = x'
# y' = y'
# z' = z'
# x" = −a_D(v_x)
# y" = −a_D(v_y)
# z" = −g − a_D(v_z)
# where a_D(v) = ½ρv² C_D A / m
rho = 1.204 # kg/m³
C_D = 0.5
A = math.pi * 0.3
m = 2.0 # kg
a_D = lambda v: 0.5 * rho * v**2 * C_D * A / m

v_x = x[3, 0]
v_y = x[4, 0]
v_z = x[5, 0]
return VariableMatrix(
[[v_x], [v_y], [v_z], [-a_D(v_x)], [-a_D(v_y)], [-g - a_D(v_z)]]

# Dynamics constraints - RK4 integration
for k in range(N - 1):
h = dt
x_k = X[:, k]
x_k1 = X[:, k + 1]

k1 = f(x_k)
k2 = f(x_k + h / 2 * k1)
k3 = f(x_k + h / 2 * k2)
k4 = f(x_k + h * k3)
problem.subject_to(x_k1 == x_k + h / 6 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4))

# Minimize time to goal


# Initial velocity vector
v = X[3:, 0].value()

launch_velocity = norm(v)
print(f"Launch velocity = {launch_velocity:.03f} m/s")

# The launch angle is the angle between the initial velocity vector and the
# x-y plane. First, we'll find the angle between the z-axis and the initial
# velocity vector.
# sinθ = |a x b| / (|a| |b|)
# Let v be the initial velocity vector and u be a unit vector along the
# z-axis.
# sinθ = |v x u| / (|v| |u|)
# sinθ = |v x [0, 0, 1]| / |v|
# sinθ = |[v_y, -v_x, 0]|/ |v|
# sinθ = √(v_x² + v_y²) / |v|
# The square root part is just the norm of the first two components of v.
# sinθ = |v[:2]| / |v|
# θ = asin(|v[:2]| / |v|)
# The angle between the initial velocity vector and the X-Y plane is
# 90° − θ.
launch_angle = math.pi / 2.0 - math.asin(norm(v[:2]) / norm(v))
print(f"Launch angle = {launch_angle * 180.0 / math.pi:.03f}°")

print(f"Total time = {T.value():.03f} s")
print(f"dt = {dt.value() * 1e3:.03f} ms")

ax = plt.axes(projection="3d")

def plot_wireframe(ax, f, x_range, y_range, color):
x, y = np.mgrid[x_range[0] : x_range[1] : 25j, y_range[0] : y_range[1] : 25j]

# Need an (N, 2) array of (x, y) pairs.
xy = np.column_stack([x.flat, y.flat])

z = np.zeros(xy.shape[0])
for i, pair in enumerate(xy):
z[i] = f(pair[0], pair[1])
z = z.reshape(x.shape)

ax.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, color=color)

# Ground
plot_wireframe(ax, lambda x, y: 0.0, [0, field_length], [0, field_width], "grey")

# Target
xs = []
ys = []
zs = []
for angle in np.arange(0.0, 2.0 * math.pi, 0.1):
xs.append(target_x + target_radius * math.cos(angle))
ys.append(target_y + target_radius * math.sin(angle))
ax.plot(xs, ys, zs, color="black")

# Trajectory
trajectory_x = p_x.value()[0, :]
trajectory_y = p_y.value()[0, :]
trajectory_z = p_z.value()[0, :]
ax.plot(trajectory_x, trajectory_y, trajectory_z, color="orange")

ax.set_box_aspect((field_length, field_width, np.max(trajectory_z)))

ax.set_xlabel("X position (m)")
ax.set_ylabel("Y position (m)")
ax.set_zlabel("Z position (m)")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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