What happens when you combine treesitter and lsp together.
change-function.nvim allows you to swap function arguments or parameters and have it be updated for all references across a particular project.
Use your favourite package manager to install change-function.nvim
dependencies = {
'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects', -- Not required, however provides fallback `textobjects.scm`
There are currently different ways to use this plugin. One automatically using
LSP references (this is the default when using the change_function()
the other uses the quickfix list as a source of the functions to change.
This is the default version when running change_function()
. It allows for a
quick way to change function arguments, but sacrifices flexibility.
- Run the
command to open up the reorganisation window. - Swap whatever arguments you need using the specified mappings.
- Press enter and confirm
- Add your references using a command, for example
vim.lsp.references({includeDeclaration = true})
- Modify the quickfix list with whatever workflow you currently use.
- Run the
:lua require("change-function").change_function_via_qf()
command to open up the reorganisation window. - Swap whatever arguments you need using the specified mappings.
- Press enter and confirm
The quickfix list method allows for
- Much more flexibility, as you can use existing quickfix workflows and use
plugins such as
to be able to modify the list and include references that you want to change. - Allows you to be able to see what the functions that will be changed before actually running the command.
local change_function = require('change-function')
-- Default options
languages = {
rust = {
query_file = "function_params",
argument_seperator = ", ",
nui = function(node_name)
return {
enter = true,
focusable = true,
relative = "win",
zindex = 50,
border = {
style = "rounded",
text = {
top = "Changing argument of " .. node_name,
position = "50%",
size = {
width = "40%",
height = "20%",
buf_options = {
modifiable = false,
readonly = false,
ui = {
disable_syntax_highlight = false,
quickfix_source = "entry",
mappings = {
quit = { "q", "<Esc>" },
move_down = "<S-j>",
move_up = "<S-k>",
confirm = "<enter>",
delete_argument = "x",
add_argument = "i",
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>crl', '', {
callback = change_function.change_function,
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>crq', '', {
callback = change_function.change_function_via_qf,
- Make a nicer UI with nui
- Allow for customisability with nui
- Refactor so
are the same. - Find a better way to find the function declaration/call, rather than recursively calling parent to find the matched node (as this breaks when you try and use this on a value rather than a function).
- Add more queries for different languages
- One day maybe even the ability to add or remove function args (would probably have to be through specifying a seperator and using that to join arguments, as treesitter only provides the argument location)