Simple Project:
- Submit a Program in C or C++
- Execute by Teachers or Judges
- Give a result
- Show sumbmissions
- Show standings(Only based on the number of problem solved by a contestant or team)
Database Name: OnlineProject Table: user Field: ID, userName, Password, teacher(For admin value is 2) Table: submitteddata Field: ID, submitTime, userName, Problem, Lang, Verdict Table: judgetable Field: ID, judgeNo, Lang, FileName
Default User : admin Password: admin
- login: if Login succeded then go to user or admin or Judges folder.
- In user folder: User can submit a code, find all of his submissions and current standing of the contest.
- In judges folder(currently we set only 2 judge for the contest): Judge can execute a submitted code of his problems, can find current standing of the contest. We consider that each judge will set 3 problems of the contest in following order.
- In admin folder: Admin can find the current condition of his contest environment.
in user code: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;
int main(){ freopen("'Problem name without quote'out.txt","w",stdout); freopen("'Problem name without quote'in.txt","r",stdin); ".....Users code will start from here....." return 0; }
must be wrritten this portion. That's it. Thank you. Enjoy our project.