Skytils 1.8.2 for Forge 1.8.9
What's New?
- Revert "fix: GuiManager scales z-axis by 0"
- fix: gardenPlotCleanupHelper doesn't reload render on toggle
- fix: dungeonlistener doesn't remove disconnected players
- fix: dungeon secrets display doesn't show at 0 secrets collected
- fix: dungeons secret display doesn't remove from action bar
- feat: have the forge config button open OptionsGui
- chore: change UpdateGui to use Ktor client
- fix: send fake requests to the Mojang API to prevent 429 errors
- fix: ifNull blocks never get run
- feat: add skytils version to mandatory update message
- fix: change Mojang API endpoint to
- refactor: move crimson isle features to separate package
- chore: change linkedlist/java arraydeque to kotlin arraydeque
- feat: add skytils version to mandatory update message
New Features
- feat: add GUI for moving unknown island waypoints
- feat: trophy fish tracker (/trophyfish)
- feat: add CyclingTwoColorGradient cyclingtwocolorgradient(rgb1,rgb2,speed,offset)
This version uses Essential
What is Essential?
Essential is a non-intrusive, quality of life mod that aims to improve your Minecraft playing and social experience. Learn more at
Can I get rid of Essential?
No, you can't. This is due to the fact that Skytils depends on it. It has little to no performance impact too so no need to worry about it causing performance issues. And any feature you don't want, except cosmetics, can be disabled.
Where can I buy Essential cosmetics?