I'm Savely, Im 22.
😄 Pronouns: he/him
I've been coding since childhood, but really picked interest in enterprise development in late 2021. So I have three years of commercial development in ASP.NET and C#.
Currently I'm:
🏢 working in FinTech as a main job.
🤖 working on a VK bot as my pet project, called Mathieu Balles. Currently I'm rewriting it from JS+TS to C#. It will also support multiple messengers. Currently I'm aiming to support VK and Telegram.
💬 developing a messenger (another pet project) in my spare time in a team of 3. It is not yet public, until we reach a certain milestone.
🌱 learning various technologies like Kubernetes, Docker.
I'm interested in web and mobile app development, and I also like to make games. Although I prefer writing code, I can also do some DevOps tasks, and I enjoy them, but wouldn't like doing that full time.