Iris v2.1.5
Update v2.1.0
New Widgets
- Iris.SeparatorText
- Iris.MenuBar
- Iris.Menu
- Iris.MenuItem
- Iris.MenuToggle
- Iris.InputRect
- Iris.DragVector2
- Iris.DragVector3
- Iris.DragUDim
- Iris.DragUDim2
- Iris.DragRect
- Iris.SliderVector2
- Iris.SliderVector3
- Iris.SliderUDim
- Iris.SliderUDim2
- Iris.SliderRect
Remastered Widgets
- Iris.InputNum
- Iris.InputVector2
- Iris.InputVector3
- Iris.InputUDim
- Iris.InputUDim2
- Iris.InputColor3
- Iris.InputColor4
- Iris.DragNum
- Iris.SliderNum
Internal Changes
- Added types to all files.
- Reorganised file layout and function locations.
- Fixed certain types.
- Changed unicode characters to ImageLabels.
- Changed the format of the docs.
- Added widget subcategories to break up the docs.
- New Event docs page.
Other Changes
- New in-progress testing suite.
- Added wally.toml file.
- Updated Aftman dependencies.
Huge thanks to SirMallard for developing the majority of this release!
Update v2.1.1
- Changes to DemoWindow and new Main Menu bar example
- Fixed 1 pixel tooltip misalignment
- Fixed Root pseudoWindow from incorrectly appearing and disappearing
- Fixed Menu Alignments
- Fixed visual bug with sub-menu highlights
- Fixed incorrect documentation function name for SetNextWidgetId.
- Fixed Input boxes having incorrect default names.
- Fixed Window TitleBar and MenuBar not working with NoTitle and NoMenu arguments. (Now support multiline text!)
Update v2.1.5
- New shutdown method
- Some events have been moved to be connected on Init.
- ShowDemoWindow now returns the window widget. - Added the Widget Utility to the Internal class.
- Changed the behaviour of UseScreenGUIs so that when disabled it will use frames instead.
- Removed window size check.
- Prevented some events running if Iris is not started.
- Fixed some Types.
- Fixed indentation.
Fixed TextWrapping and RichText issues on Text.
Fix missing _stackIndex error when using debug Tracebacks in studio
@SirMallard and @piquu contributed all of the code for v2.1.1 - v2.1.5. Thank you!