We created a remake of Red Dead Redemption with SNES limitation in Game Maker Studio 2.
The Game is inspired by an available mission of the Rockstar Game Red Dead Redemption 2, where we have to go on a train and attack people inside. In the begining of the game we had a cinematic where we can see 2 brothers of the Reno Gang on horses. The Reno Gang is also known as the Reno Brothers Gang and The Jackson Thieves, is a group of criminals that operated in the Midwestern United States during and just after the American Civil War. Though short-lived, they carried out the first three peacetime train robberies in U.S. history. Most of the stolen money was never recovered.
The game in only playable by 2 players with controller. 2 Xbox or PS4 controller are needed to play.
Made by HUGUES ROGER (Codding) COQUILLE OAN (Sound Design - Game Design) KYLIAN COUPRIE(Game asset) FAUSTIN GABY(Codding - Level Design) DORIAN GOMEZ(Game Concept)
Made in 4 Days during a Game Maker WorkShop.
Special thanks to Elizabetha Volkova for her help on game asset and graphics.