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Data Structures

This repository contains programs that were written to understand and learn data structures under Data Strctures Lab. Each folder represents an experiment. The details of experiments are given below :

  1. To study stack and different operations on Stack
    • Program to Implement menu driven program to perform different Operations on stack.
    • Program to Implement multiple stack in one array.
  2. To study Different types of expression conversion and expression evaluation as an application of Stack with a few more applications
    • Program to convert Decimal number to Binary and checking balanced parenthesis of expression using stack.
    • Program to convert Infix to Postfix using Stack.
    • Program to evaluate Postfix & Prefix expression using stack.
    • Program to convert Infix to Prefix and evaluate prefix expression.
  3. To study Recursion
    • Program to implement Binary Search using Recursion.
    • Program to implement Tower of Honai using Recursion.
  4. To Study Queue data structure, its operations and different types
    • Menu Driven Program to implement different operations on Circular Queue.
    • Menu Driven Program to implement different operations on Priority Queue.
    • Menu Driven Program to implement different operations on Linear Queue.
  5. To Study Linked List data structure, its operations and different types
    • Menu driven program to perform different operations on Singly Linked List.
    • Menu driven program to perform different operations on Doubly Linked List.
  6. To study different applications of LL
    • Implementation of different operations on singly linked list – copy, concatenate, split, reverse, count no. of nodes.
    • Implementation of Linked List menu driven program for stack and queue.
  7. To study different basic and advanced Sorting techniques
    • Menu driven program for Bubble, Insertion and Selection Sort.
    • Menu Driven Program for Quick Sort, Merge sort and Heap Sort.
  8. To study different searching techniques
    • Implementation of hashing functions with different collision resolution techniques.
  9. To study Tree Data Structure
    • Implementation of Binary Tree Traversal program.
    • Implementation of construction of expression tree using postfix expression.
    • Implementation of Binary Search Tree.
  10. To study Graph Data Structure
    • Implementation of DFS & BFS.
    • Implementation of Dijkstra’s shortest Path finding algorithm.

Note : All codes are written in C.