from turtle import Screen
Implement Firebase Java SDK in Python
Make your app the best it can be
Firebase is an app development platform that helps you build and grow apps and games users love. Backed by Google and trusted by millions of businesses around the world.
android.gradle_dependencies = io.github.simplejnius:sjfirebase:1.3.2
requirements = sjfirebase
The current version of python-for-android
lacks support for incorporating bom dependencies, modifying the classpath, and copying the google-service.json
To address this limitation, a fork of python-for-android has been developed to include these functionalities.
To implement these changes in your buildozer.spec
make adjustments to the specified section using the provided values below:
android.api = 34
android.enable_androidx = True
android.gradle_dependencies = io.github.simplejnius:sjfirebase:1.3.2,,,,,
p4a.fork = SimpleJnius
p4a.branch = firebase
Important Note: Upon creating an Android project within your Firebase Console,
ensure to transfer the google-service.json
file to the same location as your
# pip
pip install sjfirebase
# buildozer.spec
requirements = sjfirebase
To add, set, update, and delete a document in a collection
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen # noqa
from import FirestoreMixin
class MyScreen(Screen, FirestoreMixin):
def on_event1(self):
data = dict(,
# creates a new document in "individual" collection and
# passes a success(True/False) and error(None or FirebaseException)
# parameters to your callback
self.add_document("individuals", data, lambda success, error: print(success, error))
def on_event2(self):
data = dict(,
# creates a new or overwrite document "custom_document_id" in collection
# and passes a success(True/False) and error(None or FirebaseException)
# parameters to your callback
self.set_document("individual/custom_document_id", data, lambda success, error: print(success, error))
def on_event3(self):
data = dict(,
# creates a new or update document "custom_document_id" in collection
# and passes a success(True/False) and error(None or FirebaseException)
# parameters to your callback
self.set_document("individual/custom_document_id", data, lambda success, error: print(success, error), merge=True)
def on_event4(self):
data = ["name",, "email",]
# creates a new or overwrite document "custom_document_id" in collection
# and passes a success(True/False) and error(None or FirebaseException)
# parameters to your callback.
# Notice the data is a list, and this list must be an even length and not odd length.
# Every odd values are the key while the even values are the value.
# E.g in the above `data` `name` is the key while `` is the value
# same goes with the email. It's this way due to the varargs nature of the Firestore `update` method
# signature
self.update_document("individual/custom_document_id", data, lambda success, error: print(success, error))
def on_event5(self):
# deletes document "custom_document_id"
self.delete_document("individual/custom_document_id", lambda success, error: print(success, error))
# NB: You can instantiate the FirestoreMixing directly
# E.g
f = FirestoreMixin()
# etc..
To get-data, paginate-data, and get-realtime-updates
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen # noqa
from import FirestoreMixin
class MyScreen(Screen, FirestoreMixin):
def on_event1(self):
# gets a dictionary of data from "document_id" if any data and passes
# `success` (True/False) and `data` (dict/errorMessage).
# always check if success is True before accessing items from data,
# or check if data is an instance of dict. Else log the data to see the error message
self.get_document("individual/document_id", lambda success, data: print(success, data))
def on_event2(self):
# everything @on_event1 plus `source` that states where the data should be fetched.
# either cache, server or default. cache gets from firebase data stored locally
# on the device for offline purposes while server gets from firebase cloud directly.
# default can be either cache or cloud depending on your configuration.
self.get_document("individual/document_id", lambda success, data: print(success, data), source="cache")
def on_event3(self):
# gets all document at "individual" collection and passes success and data argument.
# here, data is a list of dict. before accessing, refer to @on_event1
self.get_collection_of_documents("individual", lambda success, data: print(success, data))
def on_event4(self):
# refer to @on_event2 for "source" and @on_event3 for functionality description
self.get_collection_of_documents("individual", lambda success, data: print(success, data), source="cache")
def on_event5(self):
# refer to @on_event3 for functionality description. The new thing here is `limit`.
# limit is used to limit the amount of data you fetch from firebase and paginate as you go.
self.get_pagination_of_documents("individual", 10, lambda success, data: print(success, data))
def on_event6(self):
# listens for document changes and returns a dict of data and location
# where the data is coming from. `data`(dict/errorMessage), where("Local"/"Server")
self.add_document_snapshot_listener("individual/document_id", lambda data, where: print(data, where))
def on_event7(self):
# same as @on_event6 but gets a list of document with information on whether they were
# added, removed or modified
self.add_collection_snapshot_listener("individual", lambda data, where: print(data, where))
class sjfirebase.jclass.action.ActionCodeSettings
Structure that contains the required continue/state URL with optional Android and iOS bundle identifiers. The stateUrl used to initialize this class is the link/deep link/fallback url used while constructing the Firebase dynamic link.
Visit ActionCodeSettings Documentation for more API
class sjfirebase.jclass.emailauth.SJFirebaseAuthEmail
The entry point of the Firebase Authentication SDK.
First, obtain an instance of this class by calling get_instance
- check_user_signed_in
- get_instance
Visit FirebaseAuth Documentation for more API
class sjfirebase.jclass.database.SJFirebaseDatabase
The entry point for accessing a Firebase Database.
You can get an instance by calling getInstance.
To access a location in the database and read or write data, use get_ref
- get_db
- get_ref
Visit FirebaseDatabase Documentation for more API
class sjfirebase.jclass.firestore.SJFirebaseFirestore
- get_db
Visit FirebaseFirestore Documentation for more API
class sjfirebase.jclass.user.SJFirebaseUser
Represents a user's profile information in your Firebase project's user database. It also contains helper methods to change or retrieve profile information, as well as to manage that user's authentication state.
- get_current_user
- profile_change_request_builder
Visit FirebaseUser Documentation for more API
class sjfirebase.jclass.user.SJFirebaseStorage
FirebaseStorage is a service that supports uploading and downloading large objects to Google Cloud Storage. Pass a custom instance of FirebaseApp to get_instance which will initialize it with a storage location (bucket) specified via setStorageBucket.
Otherwise, if you call getReference without a FirebaseApp, the FirebaseStorage instance will initialize with the default FirebaseApp obtainable from get_instance. The storage location in this case will come the JSON configuration file downloaded from the web
- get_instance
Visit FirebaseStorage Documentation for more API
Listener called when a Task completes.
- onComplete
Visit OnCompleteListener Documentation for more API
class sjfirebase.jinterface.firebase.ValueEventListener
- onDataChange
- onCancelled